Dont be an asshole

Start from the beginning

When he got to me I made sure to purposely brush my fingers against his. I could see the corners of his lips curve up a bit as I took action. He then moved onto the other students so it didn't look suspicious. Obviously katelynn saw me and she just rolled her eyes in a joking manner.

"Alright you may-" he was cut off by the door opening and closing very loud and obnoxiously.

All heads turned towards the door and what I saw was unbelievable. Jason was in this class. Of course he would be! I shouldn't have jinxed myself! He smirked at me before making his way to the teacher to give him his pass. I could see Vics jaw clench in anger and his hands were balled into fists. I'm very sure at this point he was trying so hard to be professional.

They spent a bit talking and I looked around the classroom for an empty seat. This was one of the fullest classroom so a lot of kids were in here and there was very little places to sit.

And guess what was the only seat available in this class.

The one behind me.

Of course. I desperately wanted to disappear at this point. I looked back at vic and a look of sympathy flashed across Vics face. I knew vic had to put Jason behind me.

I looked down at my test trying to ignore the foot steps coming closer to me. I could feel my breathing  shorten as the foot steps got closer and closer. Trying my best to keep calm, I began to write answers on the quiz to make it seem like I was doing something.

Ok did I think Odysseus was a hero? Yes? No? Maybe in between?

"Hey Kells."

Oh god just ignore him. If you ignore him enough he'll go away. Okay question two, which book did Circe's give Odysseus advice and helpful information?

"Kellin I said hey." I could the tone in his voice get angrier.

Why am I acting so scared now? I was never scared of him before? Why is it so different now?

"Hi Jason." I said above a whisper. It was almost as if I spoke any louder you would hear my voice crack.

"How was your day?"

Okay question three, What siren did Odysseus fall in love with? Oh that's easy, it wa-

"Maybe we should have a little chat outside since you won't talk to me now."

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. It was like was trying to make me scared of him. He knew I wasn't one to stand up for myself. Like I said before everyone in this school actually kind of liked me, so there was no reason to stand up for myself when no one ever really put me down.

"Jason please be quiet the students are taking a test." Vic warned him.

"Oh! Yes! Sorry Mr. Fuentes I was just trying to catch up with an old friend!" His tone was sickeningly sweet. Way too sweet to the point where it sounded fake.

"Well it looks like he doesn't want to catch up with you so how about you leave him alone?" I could hear the anger in his voice.

By this point many students stopped doing the quiz and we're just looking between Vic and Jason and some were whispering about it. I knew that if this got any more out of hand something would happen or something would slip out.

"How would you know that? You don't know Kellin, you're just a dumb. Old. Teacher." With each step Jason took he slowly began to walk up to Vic.

"I may just be a teacher but Kellin-"

"Mr. Fuentes stop! You don't know me! Besides you have no control over who I talk to! You! Mr. Fuentes cannot control me!" Oh god no. This was definitely going to hurt Vic in some way.

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