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When I finally got myself ready to continue reading the note, I was tearing up.

"I knew you had this same illness, heart cancer, because we have already fought it when you were young. Please just forgive me...I am a terrible mother...I love you Rogue..." My stomach dropped. No...you weren't a terrible mother. I just wish I could have known this sooner. Then I grasped my chest, it burned. It felt like fire was inside my throat, my chest was stinging. I fell to my knees; it finally dissipated after a moment. I needed to talk to Lady...but I couldn't move. I was lacking oxygen, like my throat was closing up and my heart was working twice as hard. The room started to spin; I could feel myself falling to the floor. It seemed like it was in slow motion.

I may be too late...to stop this...

I blacked out.

"When did this happen?"

"I don't know, Lady. I found her in our room on the floor,"

"We need to get her to the doctor right away...I knew we should have done something sooner,"

I opened my eyes. It was dark. I felt like I was moving. My vision started to clear up and I saw Crystal next to me. I was in the back seat of a car, on my back with my head resting on Crystal's lap.

"Lady! She's waking up!" I sat up. My chest felt fine now, but I had a slight headache, maybe from the fall? I'm not really sure. "How are you feeling, Rogue?"

I would've answered her, but I was groggy. I felt a slight pain in my chest so I laid my head back down. I felt Crystal's hand on my shoulder; it was cold. Crystal leaned down in front of me.

"What happened?" I coughed from my voice sounding so weak and scraychy.

"I found you on the floor in our bedroom," That's what I thought. That's the last thing I remember.

I said very softly, "My chest hurts..." I looked up at Crystal. She looked hurt, like she was upset.

"Does my brother know?" She shook her head.

I closed my eyes for a minute. Then I opened them again. The rocking of the car reminded me of the ride in the car when I was little...when we were rushing to get away from the house when it was up in flames.

"Rogue," I looked up at her, tears started to fall. "Yea," I said weakly. "I'm worried about you," The pain in my chest came back a little worse. "Ow...make it stop...please make it stop..." I could hardly hear what I was saying. I could tell Crystal heard it. "Lady, her pain is getting worse...I'm worried,"

"We'll be there in five minutes, Rogue. We will get you through this..."

I'm not convinced I'm going to make it though...

"Wait...Crystal, is she pale?" My stomach dropped...pale? Crystal looked at me then looked back up. "Yes, she is,"

So it's true...I really am going to die...

I started to cry, a lot.

"What's wrong, Rogue? Do you have pain still?" I didn't want to tell her. But I was planning on it.

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