Call me when you want a serious guy

Start from the beginning

“You’re all happy and shit, I don’t like it. It’s weird.”

“I can be happy, I’m allowed.”

“I didn’t say you weren’t. It’s just fucking weird. But le’mme guess.... Miss Chocolate is responsible?”  Mike asked with a smug smile on his face.

“You can say that” Nathaniel said with a smile and shrug,

“Oh my gosh! You totally banged her!”

“What?” Nathaniel said in a surprise tone trying to play the obvious happiness from his face and voice.

“Yeah, you banged her! You son of a bitch did it. You know what they say, once you go black, you never go back”

“Stop trying, I’m not telling. We just had a good time together.”

“C’mon on Nathaniel, I’m dying here man, how was she? She was good wasn’t she?! I know you want to tell someone, you’ve never been that happy after you’ve been with someone. You know you my boy!”

“Why do want to know so badly?”

“Because bro, I made this happen, I talked some shit sense into you and I’m fucking responsible for you taking her home that night!”

“Okay, Mike the next couple of sentences never happened, I swear to ….”

“I won’t,”

Nathaniel stopped himself in the middle of the living room, his face ecstatic. In all honesty, he needed to get that off his chest. Rubbing his face with his two hands, he started. “Dude, she… I’ve… never had girl, bro… she’s…whoa. She does this thing with her hips and it blows my mind, and I’m just like holy shit.”

“Yeah, she’s good huh?”

“Better, it’s like she needs to teach others her skills. And what I love is she doesn’t even try, it just comes to her naturally. Plain and simple, she’s amazing.”

“Did I hear this right? Loving being with a black girl! I think we’ve just made a breakthrough!”  Mike exclaimed which even surprised him furthermore when Nathaniel laughed at the comment. This was just getting plain weird.


                The moment Leila reached her apartment, she flopped herself onto her bed. It was about that that she had gotten home and to top it off, the insides of her thighs were sore. She had done her best not to complain about the pain as she was with her friends together, but they were burning. How can an activity that feels so good be the cause of such pain? Well, actually, she thought, it wasn’t much of the activity, but the size of it. The minute the thought flowed through her mind, she instantly blushed and nuzzled her face in the pillow.

                It had taken a few minutes for Leila to fall asleep, but once she did, she went off into instant hibernation. She dreamt of him, about his touches and caresses, about his lips, the soft roughness of his hands and his body heat. She was content…happy, until her phone rang and brought her back to reality. “Hey” his rough ringed on the other line.

“Hi” she responded, her voice husked by sleep.

“You hadn’t call.” He told her.

“I’m sorry” she whispered into the phone. “I was just really tired and I guess I kind of fell asleep. What time is it?”  She asked.

“Ten thirty”

“Oh my gosh Nate, I’m so sorry. Let me just get some clothes and I’ll be right up.”

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