Chapter 14: Conflagration

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"When all else fails, kill it with fire." –Carry Correia


             With an hour left until they reach home, Bucky and Steve have run out of interesting topics. They've talked about everything from Peggy to their choice of weapon. Steve can't believe how much better he feels, and all he did was talk to somebody about all of his emotions. It's like magic.

            Bucky checks on Harley, who is breathing steadily now, but still not at her normal body temperature. He finds this strange; you'd think someone who is practically made out of the sun would be able to take a little chill, but then he reminds himself that she was in the water the longest out of the three of them, and when you spray a fire with water, it goes out.

            "Is Harley doing okay?" Steve asks as they redress.

            "I think we should take her to a hospital," Bucky says. "She's not awake yet, and I want to make sure she recovers entirely."

            "Good call." Steve ties his shoes. "I'm going to talk to Sam. I just called him. If you want, you can come to make sure I go through with it."

            Bucky shakes his head. "I trust you."

            The plane lands safely and is parked by S.H.I.E.L.D. workers. The hospital is only a short distance away. Bucky explains what happened (he might've twisted the story a little bit). The doctor says that it's only mild hypothermia, and that she should recover by nightfall.

            "Aren't you going to Sam's?" Bucky asks as they sit by Harley's bed.

            "Yeah, but I thought I should stay with you guys for a while," Steve says. "I want to make sure she's okay."

            "She is okay," Bucky says. "Go to Sam's. I'll be here. Your health is important, too, you know."

            "Thanks, Buck," Steve responds.

            "I'll call you when she wakes up."

            Steve nods. After hugging once more, Steve departs. Looking out the window down at the parking lot, Bucky sees him get in Natasha's Corvette and speed off. He lets out the breath he was holding. Steve's in safe hands. He's safe. That's all he ever wanted. He calls Sam, though, to make sure he's home, and reminds him that Steve is coming over to talk. Sam sounds relieved. Bucky thanks him before hanging up.

            For some reason, he feels tears glaze over his eyes. It could be the fact that Steve almost killed himself, it could be the fact that Steve even had a mentality like that. Maybe it's because it finally feels like everything is going to be alright.

            "James?" he hears from behind him.

            Bucky tears his gaze from the window. Harley is sitting up with her knees pulled up to her chest. He wonders how long she's been awake. "Hey," he says softly. "How are you feeling?"

            Harley shrugs. "I'm cold. Are you okay? What happened? Where's Steve? Is he okay?"

            "He's perfect," Bucky assures her. "He's going to Sam's right now. He's with Natasha."

            "Thank God," she mutters, rubbing her eyes with a sigh. 

            Bucky slouches, feeling the events of the day taking a toll on his energy. He runs a hand through his hair. "We can't catch a break, can we Harls?"

            Harley clutches his arm and leans her head on his shoulder. "Life is tough, darling, but so are you." She kisses his cheek. "Can we go home?"

The Pursuit of Perfection (A Bucky Barnes Fanfic) [Sequel to Winter Is Coming]Where stories live. Discover now