They weaved through a maze of boxes and old crates, the man's gun jabbing painfully into her spine every now and then.
There seemed to be a break in the crates and Pippin could see they were on a dock, far away from the warehouse.

He led her down the dark pier, their footsteps thumping against the wood.
A small station loomed in front of them at the end of the dock, the man pushing her through the door.

Two other guards looked up when they entered then turned back to their work.
Computers and screens flicking from image to image lined one wall, the two guards barking orders into a radio.

Pippin caught a glimpse of a pile of crates in the corner, marked 'fragile.'
She bit back a curse as the guard who had captured her, took her wrists painfully and zip tied them together.

She winced as he pulled them extra right.

"That's for being a smartass, Blondie."
He chuckled as she shot him a venomous look.
He turned his back on her and she quickly glanced at the computers, a flash of crimson whizzing on the screen.

"And the Flash has arrived. Let him beat you up a little before Plan A goes into effect. Countdown starts in thirty minutes."
She frowned as one of the guards sitting at the computer chuckled.

Then suddenly with a rough shove, she was stumbling into an adjacent room and the door was closing with a boom.
At first Pippin couldn't see anything, her eyes slowly getting used to the dark.

"Who's there?"
She felt like laughing in relief as she heard Felicity's voice.

Her voice cracked a little as she squirmed, trying to find her cousin.

Felicity sobbed and something heavy which Pippin guess was Felicity herself, fell across Pippin's stomach.

"Felicity, I'm glad to see you but do you mind not cutting off my air supply."
She choked out, Felicity's elbow digging into her ribs.
Pippin coughed a little as Felicity sat up again, sniffling as she did.
Pippin managed to sit up, trying to figure out where Felicity was.

"You don't know how relieved I am to see you. Well, not 'see you' but you know what I mean."
Felicity started to babble, inching as close to Pippin as she could.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean."
Pippin let out a short laugh.

"Wait a second, what are you doing here? I can't imagine Oliver willingly letting you come."
Felicity's tone seemed to change into one of suspicion, Pippin rolling her eyes.

"He's here."
She didn't elaborate on anymore, practically feeling Felicity's "motherly gaze" as she called it.

"This is all beside the point. Right now, I need you to take my shoe off. I hid a knife there."

Felicity didn't say anything for a while.

"Why do you have a knife in your shoe?"
She hissed, Pippin groaning in agitation.

"For situations like these, just get the damn shoe off."
Pippin snapped, hearing her cousin huff in response.

"Wait a second."
Pippin could hear the odd grunt now and then as Felicity tried to find Pippin's leg in the dark.
"Wrong leg."

Felicity groaned before Pippin felt her fingers find the right shoe.

Pippin whispered, feeling Felicity slowly wriggle the shoe off.

"Do you feel it?"
She could hear Felicity grumble under her breath, frowning at how long it was taking her.

"Yeah, I got it."
Relief flooded through Pippin as she sat up, inching towards Felicity's voice.

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