The Secret

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"Look," Jason said, "I'm de-aged and delusional as fuck. I need you to forget everything you heard. There's nothing off or unusual about Robin and we're leaving it at that."

Starfire opened her mouth to protest, but Jason had grabbed Damien's forearm and dragged him out of the room already.

Raven looked at the remaining Titans, "I want no one speaking of this. If I find out any research or investigating was done involving the issue, consequences will be delivered. Not only by me, but I'm sure Robin would love to add his own punishment."

The Titans shuddered. Raven walked out of the room.

"When did Raven become Second in Command?" Beast Boy asked.

"Don't act like you ever had a shot," Cyborg said, "but me?! That's not cool!"
Raven walked out of the room to be met with Ro- Dick tickling a shrieking Stephanie. Timmy had jumped on Dick's back in a weak attempt at "saving" his sister. Cassandra sat on the couch smiling at the trio.

Raven was there just in time to see Jason and Damian's reactions to the scene. Jason, instinctively, fingered the knife in his pocket (how has he managed to get another one already?) only to visibly relax once realizing what was actually happening. Damien had just merely cocked his head in the side with mild confusion.

Raven simply smiled. Dick wasn't always the happiest, so it pleased her that the kids brought out the best of him.

"Why is Grayson attempting to murder Brown and Drake?"

"That's the demon spawn we know and love," Jason muttered, sarcasm dripping off his voice like venom.

"Because they've got no chill," Dick said, a broad smile adorning his features. "And I suppose I don't either."

"Nice to see you again, Dick," Raven said. She grinned.

"It's always a pleasure," he said, winking.

"Why can't Robin be more like you," Raven asked, rolling her eyes.

"Because he's no where near as amazing as I am!"

"Besides the fact that he's able to keep up with almost every superhero with powers besides of his lack of them?"

"I ship it!" Stephanie giggled, staring at the pair.

"What'll their ship name be?" Jason mused, joining in.

"Rick?" Stephanie suggested.

"I kinda like Daven," Jason chuckled.

"As in Davenport?" Stephanie said. "No thank you."

"I guess Rick will have to do," Dick said. He chuckled, casually tossing Timmy onto the sofa and abandoning Stephanie on the floor. He threw an arm over Raven's shoulders and winked.

"Really? I kinda liked Daven," Raven grinned. Her cheeks flushed at Dick's sudden closeness. The distant sound of a breaking lightbulb could be easily detected by the trained ears of the Batclan.

Raven flushed again at Dick's smirk and the Titans were yet again forced to mourn the loss of every glass cup in the Titan Tower Kitchen.

"Aww... I always knew you loved me," Dick grinned.

Raven didn't respond. Instead she ducked under his arm and made her way to Stephanie.

"That is such a Richard move!" Raven chuckled. "Did you switch without my consent?"

"Switch?" Beast Boy said, being easily detected by the ninjas and sorceress .

"How long were you hiding there?" Raven demanded, glaring at one of the far walls which concealed Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy's listening ears.

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