Wont Let You Fall Down

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So I may have some ooc characters because vriska left........maybe meenah and come in and be a bitch.
;-; I didn't want to go cliche with this book but anyway I go its going to be cliche so. Screw it.

Your John again yayyyy!? It's been about a month at school and you have developed a hate for meenah, feferis older sister. Tho feferi is nice her sister is an asshole, she was always jealous of vriska and you because they used to date. Meenah has been bugging you and occasionally throwing you against your locker. You don't let it bother you, Dave knows that it happens but your lockers are both faraway from each other. He's mentioned getting his locker transferred, but you always deny. Earlier today tho meenah had slapped you for mumbling something, then when you wouldn't say anything she punched you twice before smirking. Your small. She knows this. "Hey John. Why don't we see if you could fit in a locker" her eyes were almost devil-like. Your locker was still open, big mistake John. Now she had stuffed you in your locker. Your crammed in and its locked with a lock aswell so your stuck. Shaking, you reach carefully for your phone and attempt to pester Dave.

-ectobiologist began pestering turntechgodhead-
EG: Dave help!!
TG: dude what I'm in class.
EG: meenah stuffed me in my locker and put my lock on it.
TG: what the fuck? That's why you aren't in class.
EG: yeah. I rd her to leave me alone and she punched me twice
TG: wow. I told the teacher I'm going to the bathroom.
EG: Okay thanks Dave :B
TG: no problem
-ectobiologist ceased pestering turntechgodhead-
TG: oh bye
-turntechgodhead ceased pestering ectobiologist-

You hear steps down the hall "John?" It's Dave, thank God. You had been crying for a bit now and were trying to stop "y-yeah..." You were trying not to sound scared or crying, but that's failed. "John what's your locker number" you hesitated but it's Dave. Your best friend! "3283" you hear the lock turn then the door opens. "Thanks Dave" you smile sliding out of the locker, landing on the ground. "John are you okay?" Dave said this in a almost worried voice. You smiled and hugged him "I'm fine, despite bruises and probably a new fear of small spaces." He laughs at this hugging you back. He's warm, like your safe place. Your smile grows wider. "John you wanna use my jacket...You have bruises." You look up at him, this time you know he's blushing. But why? You shrug that off and nod to him. "Yes please" he half smiles a nods giving you his jacket. It's warm, comforting. You smile "thanks Dave."
"No problem dude." He nods and then sighs "I can't go back to class with you and say I found you in a locker on the other side of the school." You laugh at this and nod "you could go get your stuff then I'll wait here and we could walk to your house or go to the next class after the bell.." Dave looks down and smirks "let's go to my house, schools almost over anyways." You smile and wait on Dave to get his things. After he's back you guys leave through a back door.

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