Chapter 5- Reunited

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A few minuets later everyone was at the same hospital but they didn't know that Spencer, Mathew and Pam took Hanna to the hospital to have her leg checked and the doctor that was doing doing that was Doctor Wren Kingsly.

Toby, Caleb, Asheldy and Mike were looking for there loved ones.

Spencer was looking on all of the boards she couldn't find a name, what she didn't know was Toby was on the other side looking for familiar names.

"There is nobody here" Toby said.

"I can't see anyone" Spencer said.

They both switchsides at the same time.

Spencer looked on the board and they didn't find any names Toby walked away and so did Spencer, Spencer looked everywere she found a bag with some water and food in it she grabbed one and brought one back for Hanna.

"Thanks Spence, Any luck?" Hanna asked.

"No but I won't stop looking I will find your mum" Spencer said.

"Thank you" Hanna said.

"No probelm Han, I better get going, Wren look after her please" Spencer said.

"Of course no problem" Wren said.

Spencer kept looking, what she didn't know was how close she was to Toby.

Spencer looked on another bord and she saw no names, she sat down on the stairs and she started criying meanwhile toby was walking towards the same boards and he heard someone criying it soumded very familiar so he look on the stairs and there she was the love of his life.

"Spencer" Toby called.

Spencer looked up and he saw Toby she then stopped criying.

"T...........T...............Toby" Spencer screamed she ran to him and they hugged.

"Are you OK?" Toby asked.

"I............I thought I was going to lose you" Spencer said.

Toby leaned down and kissed her over and over.

"Mum, Melissa are they with you, have you seen them?" Spencer asked.

"No, what about your dad?" Toby asked.

Spencer started to cry again.

"Spence what's wrong?" Toby asked in a concern voice.

"We found his body, it was lying o the ground, he is dead" Spencer said.

Toby eyes grew wider and he hugged her again she had tears running down her eyes.

"Ssh it's OK, is anyone here with you?" Toby asked.

"Yes, Hanna, Mrs Fields and...........and Mathew" Spencer said.

"Caleb, Ashely and Mike is with me" Toby said.

"Oh thank god Hanna's mum is till alive" Spencer said.

Paige was walking around and she saw Toby and Spencer.

"SPENCER, TOBY" Paige shouted they turned around and saw Paige she smiled and ran to them and hugged them.

"Spencer Melissa is safe so is Aria and Byrone" Paige said.

Spencer smiled her sister was alive she was so happy.

"Thank you" Spencer said.

She hugged her.

"If you see Melissa tell her that Mathew is OK and well" Spencer said.

"OK" Paige said.

"Toby go and find Caleb and bring him here I will take him to Hanna" Spencer said.

"Alright" Toby said he gave her a quick kiss and left.

"We have to wait here for Toby" Spencer said.

"I will go find Aria, Mr Montgommery and Melisss and I will bring them here" Paige said.

"OK be fast" Spencer said.

"I will" Paige said, she left as she ran she bumped into someone, somone who she really wanted to see.

"Emily" Paige said.

"Oh my God Paige" Emily said.

Paige kissed her.

"What happened to your arm?" Paige asked.

"I hit it on a rock" Emily said.

"It's Ok now though?" Paige asked.

"Yes it is" Emily said.

"Spencer is down their who is with you?" Paige asked.

" Ezra and Mrs Hastings" Emily said.

"You have to go and tell Spencer her mum is alive her dad died" Paige said.

"Oh no I am so sorry" Emily said.

"Me to, we found Aria's mum dead" Emily said.

"Oh god she will be deverstated" Paige said.

"Ezra will tell her, I am going to get them tell Spencer to wait their while I get everyone" Emily said.

"I will, Em I am so glad you are alive, you mum is also alive" Paige said.

"Thank christ" Emily said.

Paige smiled and kissed her again and they left.

Toby came back first then Paige and Emily came back togther. Spencer didn't tell her family about Peter yet.

Spencer took them all to were Hanna was.

"Hanna" Caleb and Ashely said they ran over and hugged her.

"Caleb, mum" Hanna said.

Caleb kissed her.

All of the couples kissed.

Mike looked around and he saw a familiar face walk towards them.

"MOAN!" Mike cried out loud, he ran to hr and Mona ran to him the other couples looked at them.

"MIKE" Mona scremed she ran to him they kissed.

"Mum, Melissa I need to tell you something" Spencer said.

"OK" Melissa said.

"When we were walking to the hospital we saw a body and.............(sob.......... and it was dad" Spencer said.

Melissa and Veronica put their hands over their mouths.

"His heart wasn't beating" Spencer said.

The family began to cry and they all hugged.

"Aria, I need to tell you something you, your dad and Mike" Ezra said.

"Ok, tell me first and I will tell them" Aria said.

"Emily found your mother, but her body and she wans't alive when we found her, I am so sorry" Ezra said.

Aria started to cry and Ezra hugged her and kissed her, once Aria calmed down she went over to Mike and her dad and told them they were all so sad.

*Hey guys I hoped you liked this chapter, the next chapter they all go up to the mountain and go somewere safe to live while there home is rebilut, :)*

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