Chapter 3- The worst thing ever

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*3 hours later*
The water was still running everyone was with someone in the group except Mona who was at home when the water hit.
But 2 parents died only nobody knew that.

Spencer, Hanna, Pam and Mathew were together.

Toby, Caleb, Ashely and Mike were together.

Paige, Aria, Melissa and Byron were together.

Emily, Ezra and Veronica were together

And Mona was all on her own.

Everyone was ether on a tree or a roof. 

*Spencer, Hanna, Pam and Mathew P.O.V* 

Spencer, Hanna, Pam and Mathew were on top of a tree, 2 people on a branch opposite to the other.

"Spence are you OK?" Hanna asked.

"No I am not, Hanna I am scared I have almost lost Toby once I can't loose him again" Spencer said trying to hold back the tears.

Hanna put her hand on Spencers head and she brought it closer.

"Ssh, It's OK he will be fine I am scared to I don't want to loose Caleb I love him so much" Hanna said.

"I know, I just............I nearly lost him once I can't loose him again" Spencer said.

"I know but after this we will find him and the others I promise" Hanna said.

"Yeah, we will find them I have faith........... Oh my god Hanna what happend to you leg it is all swolen?" Spencer asked as she looked at it.

"Before I got onto this tree and car hit my leg and it hit against this tree" Hanna said.

"Hanna, how did you climb this tree?" Spencer asked.

"Mathew helped me he was here first he got down I got on to his back and he put me on this branch." Hanna said.

"Mathew" spencer called over.

"Yes" Mathew answered.

"Thank you for helping Hanna" Spencer said.

"It was a pleaser" Mathew said.

"Mrs Feilds, are you Ok?" Hanna asked.

"No I don't want to loose Emily" Pam said.

"Mrs Feilds you won't Emily is a swimmer and she will be fine" Hanna said.

"I hope so" Pam said.

*Toby, Caleb, Ashely and Mike P.O.V*

Toby, Caleb, Ashely and Mike were on top of a roof which was quite high up but the water was not far from them.

"Caleb, are you alright?" Ashely asked.

"No, I hope Hanna will be alright I couldn't bare loosing here, you must know the feeling she is your only child" Caleb said.

"Yeah I know the feeling, but I know Hanna she is a fighter, hopefully she is not alone" Ashely said.

Toby was mubling in the background.

"Spencer, I love Spencer, please let her be safe" Toby said.

"Toby, she will be fine" Caleb said as he moved over to him.

"I know but if she is dead i will never fogive myself, I would gove up my own life to help Spencer" Toby said.

"Toby, she will be fine, right Mike?" caleb asked.

"Yeah she will, I am scared to I might never see Mona again, yesterday I told her I loved her and we kissed I really don't want that to be my last memory of her" Mike said.

Toby patted Mike on the back.

Toby sat in the middel of the falt roof and she shouted.


Everyone looked at him.

"It helps try it" Toby said.


"It does help" Caleb said.

"MONA! BE SAFE I LOVE YOU" Mike shouted.


"How did you know that would help?" Ashely asked.

"When my mum died I did it alot I used to scream and stamp my feet on the ground and it helped alot" Toby said.

*Paige, Aria, Melissa and Byron P.O.V*

Paige, Aria, Melissa and Byrone were on a tree it was a big strong tree.

"Aria, don't worry we will find you mum and Mike" Byrone said.

"I hope so and then I need to find Ezra" Aria said.

"Yeah, we will find everyone" Byrone said.

"Dad there is a good chance that someone in our groupe is going to die" Aria said.

"Let's not think like that" Byrone said.

"Melissa are you OK?" Paige asked.

"No, my family and my boyfriend might be dead already" Melissa said.

"Melissa you musn't let yourself think like that" Paige said.

"I know I a sorry, but I thought the earthquake was bad this is worse, A Tsunami is the last thing I thought would hit Rosewood now I am going to have to change how I think" Melissa said.

"Everything will be OK, after this has stopped we will find everyone else and everything will go back to normal" Paige said.

"I hope you are right" Melissa said.

*Emily, Ezra and Veronica P.O.V*

Emily, Ezra and Veronica were on a roof the water was not far off from them but it was lucky that they got up really high.

"Emily how is your arm?" Ezra asked.

"It hurts, I can't belive I hit it on a rock" Emily said.

"You will be OK hone everything will be OK?" Veronica asked.

"I more worried about Paige and the others" Emily said.

"I know me to" Ezra said.

"And me" Veronica said.

"This has to be one of the worst things that has ever happend in Rosewood and there is a lot of things that have happned" Emily said.

Tears started to run down Emily's face Ezra hugged her and so did Veronica.

*Hey guys hope you liked it, I will update soon, :) I bet you can guess who has died, Mona won't be in this tory till about the 5th chapter when everyone will be reunited together, next chapter is really sad*


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