Chapter 2- Tsunami

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After the earthquake everyone went into the barn and the house everyone helped clean stuff out, all of the parents came over to see if there children were alright except Paige, Toby, Ezra and Caleb's family.

*Marin family*

"Hanna, are you OK?" Ashely asked.

"Yes mum, look Caleb and me are engeged" Hanna said, showing her mum the ring.

"Awww, I am so happy for the 2 of you I knew he was going to propse though he asked for my belssing" Ashely said.

"Really? I am so happy mum" Hanna said, she hugged her.

*Montgomary family*

"Aria you are Ok right?" Bryone asked.

"Yes dad, Are you, mum and Mike OK?" Aria asked.

"Yeah they are fine" Bryone said.

"Aria, I am so glad you are safe" Ella said as she came up to Aria and hugged her.

"I am alright, Mike are you alright?" Aria asked.

"Yes, I am glad the worst it over" Mike said.

*Hastings Family*

"Spencer, Melissa, are you to OK?" Peter asked.

"Yes, we are almost finnished putting things away in the barn" Melissa said.

"Yeah, are you and mum alright?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, your mum is in the kitchen picking things up" Peter said.

"Oh me and Toby will help if you like?" Spencer offered.

"Yes please that would help" Peter said.

"Tobes, come and help me and mum pick things up" Spencer said.

"Sure coming" Toby said.

They both went into the house.

*Fields family*

"Emily your dad called he wanted to make sure you are OK" Pam said.

"I am fine, Paige is a bit shaken" Emily said as she looked at her girlfriend.

"Paige, come over here please" Pam called.

Paige got up and walked to them.

"Yes Mrs Fields" Paige said.

"You can call me Pam" Pam said with a smile on her face she gave Paige a hug which helped her alot.

"Oh Emily your dad is ringing I will be back in a minuet" Pam said.

She walked away and answered her phone.

Emily leaned in and gave Paige a kiss.

"What was that for?" Paige asked.

"My way of telling you how brave you are" Emily said.

Paige smiled and leaned in and kissed her again.

5 miuets later

Everyone was celebrating Halebs engagement.

"Everyone here is to Hanna and Caleb" Ezra said.

"To Hanna and Caleb" Everyone said.

Then they heared screames and everyone ran outside and saw a huge wave approching in less than a second it arrived to them.

"TSUNAMI" Spencer screamed.

Before they knew it the water had hit and tey were floting away from eachother so where everyones parents.

*Hey guys hope you like this chapter :)*

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