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Recently Rodrich has given Antonio and underling, not wanting the child himself. He was loud, obnoxious, and stubborn. Everything and more that he didn't want to handle. Antonio smiled, walking into the room where the child, Lovino, was meant to be met at. There, he found a small child in a pink shirt and pants, laying on the sofa sound asleep. Antonio smiled at him, how cute he looked. Picking the small child up, he walked out, leaving to a nearby meadow and sitting under a tree. He leaned against it with Lovino in his lap before falling asleep himself.
When Lovino woke up, he hardly recognised his surroundings. He panicked, sitting up quickly with a scream, and tears stinging his eyes in the thought he was kidnapped. Antonio woke up, looking around and bracing himself before noticing no one was there. Confused, he looked over to the horrified child, who seemed to be looking around more than confused. "Ah, Lovino, It's okay, You're alright." Antonio tried to reassure him. Lovino looked towards Antonio, but not directly at him. Reaching his hand out, Antonio moved Lovino's head to face him before giving a toothy smile. Upon further inspection of the confused child, his eyes were dull. The small boy only gazed at Antonio, biting the inside of his cheek and staying quiet. "Let's go home." Antonio offered, picking the boy up without hesitation and leaving the area.
Later that night, Antonio called Rodrich, confused as to why Lovino was so unresponsive.
"He doesn't look at me half the time, and has a hard time not bumping into things. What didn't you tell me about him?"
A silence and quiet huff could be heard on the other side of the line, as Rodrich thought.
"Ah, He is blind. Has been since birth, I supposed I should have mentioned that.."
Antonio let out a soft 'Qué?' Before processing it.
"He's blind?! Why didn't you tell me that before?"
The conversation went on for awhile, though ended when Rodrich had to go to bed.
Antonio brought Lovino to the meadow again the next morning, smiling like someone who just won a bunch of money. He set Lovino at the same tree as before, sitting in front of him and facing him before closing his eyes. "Now listen to me, Okay? I have my eyes closed, so I can't see, like you" Lovino frowned a bit, his head lowering at the reminder. "But, I want you to listen carefully because I'm going to explain to you what this place looks like." Lovino smiled at that, looking up to face the male in front of him. Antonio explained what he, Lovino, and all the colours the meadow where looked like. Around twelve in the afternoon, they where both resting quietly, gazing at the empty sky. It was relaxing, and Lovino had a new view on the world. Bright, colourful, giving. He couldn't see it all, just blurred colours. But the description made him happy, and he wished to see more than ever.
"Will you tell me what the stars look like again?"
"Of course, Uno pequeño"

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