Seventeen's S.Coups

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"So what does S.Coups stand for?" You ask your boyfriend for the nth time.

He groans while you chuckle.

"You're just teasing me arent you?" He asks.

"No, I really dont know, maybe you told me before but you know I have a bad memory," you say, holding your smile.

"Then why did you chuckle?" He asks.

"You're so cute," you say.

"Im not cute! Im handsome," he says.

You playfully roll your eyes.

"Dont roll your eyes, your eyes will roll out of your eyes," he says, clearly annoyed.

You gasp slighly.

"Thats just mean Seung Cheol," you say, frowning.

"Really?" He asks while furrowing his eyebrows.

You shrug and walk away from the couch you guys were sitting at.

"Ya where are you going?" He asks and follows you.

"Away from you," you say.

He pulls you and now you're facing him.

"Whats wrong?" He asks while caressing your cheek.

"Nothing," you mumble while looking down.

"This is not nothing," he says and gently pushing your chin up so you're facing him.

You just shake your head.

"____, please, whats wrong?" he asks.

"Seung Cheol, do you love me?" you ask.

He widens his eyes.

"Of course! What made you think I dont?"

"I clearly made you annoyed, I didnt meant to but you're so busy and tired these days so I try to joke around with you but you're annoyed," you say.

"You're silly," he chuckle.

"Fine I am silly now go back to your dorm," you say, going to the front door.

"_______," he calls.

You open the door and waits for him to leave but he just stands at the same spot.

"______," he calls you again.

"What?" You say.

"Are you on your period?" He asks.

Your face flush red.

"I'll take that as a yes," he says walking towards you.

"H-how did y-you know?" you stutter.

"You know when Im just pulling a playful annoyed face but today you take it seriously," he says while smilling at you.

"Go away," you say.

"Never," he says hugging you.

"Im sorry," you say as you hug him back.

"Its okay, I know how sensitive you get when you're on your period," he chuckled.

"Stop talking about that," you say and snuggle to his chest.

"Okay," he chuckle while caressing your hair.

"Seung Cheol?"

He hums.

"So you love me?" you ask, breaking the hug.

"Of course," he looks into your eyes.

You smile.

"Now lets watch Gag Concert," you say pulling him to the couch again.

"Way to ruin the romantic mood," he groans.

"So you're saying you dont want to sleep on my lap while I watch Gag Concert?" you pout.

His face brighten up and quickly pulls you to the couch.

"Your lap is the best pillow ever!" he says childishly.

You just chuckle and sit on the couch and turn on the television.

"Here," you say, patting your lap.

He quickly lays his head on your lap.

"Comfortable?" You ask while playing with his hair.

"Very," he says, smilling.

Then gag concert starts and you stop playing with his hair.

"Why did you stop?" he asks as he pulls your hand to his hair again.

You chuckle.

"Gosh Seung Cheol why are you so cute?" you say.

"Im handsome," he says.

"Whatever cutie," you say.

Then it was quiet again as you continued watching gag concert.

"I love you," he says suddenly.

"Out of the blue?" you ask as you look at him.

He shrugs.

"I love you too," you say.

He smiles and you continue to watch gag concert while playing with his hair.

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