Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Loki!" I exclaim, relieved but judging by the look on his face I should probably be in panic mode.

Gyn turns and looks at me, "You know Loki?"

I nod, "Of course I do, well, actually it's a long know him too, don't you?"

Loki sighs, "We don't have time for this. Sigyn, thank you for taking care of Valkyrie, but we must go." He looks at me, "We must go right now."



"Yes, now we are all properly acquainted. Valkyrie, if we do not leave now, you are going to die."

Loki reaches for my hand and takes it roughly, yanking my arm and pulling me along with him out of the door. I snatch my cloak off the wall, knowing the apple he gave me is still stashed inside. I throw out a rushed goodbye, suddenly worried by Loki's aggressive behavior and the fact that I'm pretty sure I just spent the last several days with Sigyn, Loki's wife.

"What the hell is going on?" I demand.

"Shut up!" Loki hisses and pulls me along further. He stops suddenly, craning his neck at an unusual angle.



I shut my mouth and hold my breath, listening to the ensuing silence. But there is something not far off. A sound I don't recognize. Loki lets go of my hand and makes a gesture for me to stay put. I nod quickly and then Loki disappears into thin air, leaving me on the side of the road, cloaked in darkness. I shift my weight uncomfortably trying to be quiet but it's rather hard to do. Usually when I'm left alone in the dark I sing to pass the time. I don't know, but it makes me feel just a bit better, even if it's useless protection.

I hear another sound, something like a faint whistling that I can't put my finger on. It grows closer and I turn to hear it.

"FUCK!" Something hits my shoulder and tears into me with a sudden force that sends me stumbling backwards. The burning is instant on contact and I flail, trying to see what it is in the dark. I finally look down and there is a golden arrow sticking out of my shoulder. "Holy fucking shit!"

I can feel the blood running over my hands, spurting from the wound. Definitely not good. The blood and warm and slippery on my hands and I try to pull it out but the pain is excruciating. I scream in frustration and pain and I wheel around to look for Loki, only to be met by a blow to the face that sends me stumbling to the ground. I land face first, forcing the arrow all the way in through my shoulder blade. I screech in deafening pain, rolling on the ground, trying to sit myself up.

"Stop moving and I will make this easy on you," the voice sends a chill down my blood soaked spine. I shake away the tears and grit my teeth firmly, my arms trembling as I push myself up, turning to face him.

"Forseti," I spit, the word barely able to get past my lips as I suck in a painful breath. My stomach turns with all the blood in my mouth and I am afraid I'm going to empty the contents of my stomach. I think of Thanos and all that he did to me and realize I can deal with this. If I focus hard enough, I can shove the pain away to a place where I don't have to deal with it.

Forseti smirks at me and his booted foot forces the arrow further out of my back. Now the shaft of the arrow is deep into my shoulder, the arrow head jutting out of my back, the tail still facing out in the opposite direction. I can't look at it and instead I force myself to look at Forseti.

"I am going to relish in killing you, Valkyrie," Forseti grins, withdrawing a sword from his hip. The length of the blade is not silver, but instead pitch black, with ragged edges. He raises the sword slightly and then suddenly he is knocked out of my view by a blur. I push myself up a little and see Loki and Forseti grappling on the ground. Loki overpowers him for a while as I struggle to get to my feet and then Forseti pins Loki to the ground, holding his sword to Loki's throat. He mutters something at him in their native tongue and Loki hisses a response. Neither of them note me getting to my feet.

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