Chapter Six: Battles Are Meant to Be Fought

Start from the beginning

"You are correct." Mali replied.

"Thank you, you saved my life."

"That is not relevant, son. Now, shall we continue your training?" Mali asked.


Just when Theresa thought she couldn't ride any longer, Ceridwen held up her hand and said,

"Here, this is where we will commence training." Ceridwen slid off of Artemis, grabbed her bow and Snow graciously landed on her shoulder. "Just in time, my angel."

Theresa jumped from her horse and Apollo accompanied Artemis, who was grazing in the luscious grass.

"So how does this work?" Before Theresa received her answer, Ceridwen attacked. Out of pure instinct, a blast of energy was forced from Theresa's palms sending Ceridwen tumbling backwards.

Theresa rushed over to her and helped Ceridwen up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's attacked me."

"And that's how," Ceridwen said, smiling.

"Pardon?" Theresa knit her eyebrows in confusion.

"That's how this works. The only way to learn is to perform. But not with magic. I'm here to train you as a warrior, Mali will train you as a magician. So let's try this again, and this time use your knowledge, look for a point of weakness, and take it."

Theresa nodded, then Ceridwen lunged, tackling Theresa to the ground. Ceridwen ripped a knife from its case around her belt. Holding it at Theresa throat she said.

"Always keep your guard up, never let your opponent in, never leave an opening, because they'll take it, and they won't be as gracious as me."

As Ceridwen was talking Theresa jerked from her grip, kicked her off and yanked a blade from her sheath, hurling it toward the young huntress.

Ceridwen twirled her bow in front of the projectile, and as it hit, bounced off harmlessly.

"Anger, you'll need it, but you need to know how to use it properly."

As Ceridwen was giving her lesson she knocked Theresa over the head with the frame of her bow and stanched her arm up, pinning it behind her back.

"But blind anger is easily manipulated by the one you fight, be smart, and don't let it play mind games with you. One mistake acting upon anger and it could be fatal." Ceridwen released her grip.

"No anger, fine." Theresa tilted her head and smirked. "Take your own advice." Theresa let out a battle cry and flipped Ceridwen to the ground pressing a blade into her neck.

Ceridwen easily reverse the amateur's move and now it was Theresa with the blade to her throat.

"What did I say about anger?" Ceridwen asked.

Theresa elbowed Ceridwen in the nose and socked her in the cheek. As soon as Theresa hit Ceridwen her eyes grew wide in shock. But before the Magic Born could stutter out the words I'm sorry, Ceridwen wiped the blood collecting on her lip and grinned.

"Now that's smart anger." Ceridwen notched an arrow. "Now you can use your magic." She released the steel tipped missile.

Theresa swiped her hand in front of her body and her energy forced the arrow away. It landed inches away from Artemis, but the horse didn't flinch, and continued to chomp on the green.

Now Ceridwen was rapidly firing one after another advancing toward Theresa, who was deflecting them just as fast.

Ceridwen stopped shooting when she got two feet away. She leapt, flipping through the air landing behind Theresa. Theresa whirled only to be met by a cold hard fist.

"Never let your guard down, watch your opponents every move. Now, COME ON!" Theresa raced toward her trainer, but right when Ceridwen thought she would kick her down, she did the total opposite.

Theresa dropped to her side and slid under Ceridwen, only to spring upward behind her and sweep kick Ceridwen off her feet. Theresa punted Ceridwen's bow out of reach and pinned her to the earth, stand on her arms, sitting on her chest, clenching her throat with iron like fingers.

Theresa thought she had her beat, until Ceridwen warped her feet around Theresa's neck and pulled her away. She hurdled to her feet, grabbing a bow and notching an arrow.

Theresa froze.

"You're better than I suspected," Ceridwen complemented. "You're fighting stronger than I thought, you're not holding back."

"Battles are meant to be won, aren't they?" Theresa had a smile roll across her face.

When Theresa rushed Ceridwen, that's when she released her last arrow.


Mace stomped toward his sleeping quarters, only to be stopped by a hand upon his shoulder. Mace's expression of anger faded into a puddle of fear.

"That's how you manage your cover? By trying to kill the boy?" The figure asked.

Still facing the opposite direction, Mace retorted. "Remove your bloody hand before I freeze it off!"

"Don't start a fight you can't win, boy," The man said. "The king wants him alive. You're here to collect information, not exterminate the source."

"Aren't you the one that says battles are meant to be fought, even if you can't win?" Mace's shoulder turned white and the man flinched his hand away.

Mace turned to meet the burning, soulless eyes of Duzna.

"Just remember why you're in this position, and if you want to see her again, you'll continue to follow orders." Duzna roared. "Now what would be the purpose of killing the boy if she dies because of your actions?"

"Because if Egon dies, so do your plans," Mace growled.

"If Egon dies, your love will never see the sun again." Duzna spat toxic promises as his body erupted into flames and disappeared.

Maces blue eyes began to fill with tears. He sobbed at the thought of her, at the thought of never seeing her crimson eyes again, at the thought of her dying at the hands of Duzna.


Mali stood before Egon and he lifted his hands. Dark wooden snakes exploded from the earth, coiling and braiding around the two, building a dome. The roots wrapped around each other hiding all the light, except a few rays of sun breaking through a hole in the top of the arena.

"You need to learn how to fight under pressure. Because when you can't escape is the time you need your skills the most," Mali explained.

"Ok, now how am I going to learn my skill?" Egon questioned.

"By fighting." Mali said as he pushed Egon's staff into his chest and nodded. "Now, I'm no Mace or Rayner, but my friends can handle you." Mali's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and forest green orbs took their place. He stiffened his fingers and made a pulling motion from the ground up. Beside him two dirt creatures rose. Egon's mouth dropped in shock.

"Close your mouth boy, they're just Pulverem," Mali laughed. The creatures had small smooth pebbles for eyes, a dust coated body, and twig-like arms and legs. They were half the size of Egon, but they reminded him of wild dogs, small but deadly quick to bite.

The Pulverem bolted from their position. Egon, wielding his staff, hesitated to swing it, but remembered, the wood it was forged from is unbreakable. He knocked one of their heads clean of and laughed.

"That's the best you got old man?" No sooner then he spoke, the creatures head began to reform. "How?" Egon said in bewilderment.

They rushed him again, one bent down and the second leapt off its back, tackling Egon to the ground. He kicked one off and swung his staff, knocking another into the dome wall.

That's when he noticed, Mali's eyes were still the color of moss. The Pulverem weren't alive, they were part of the earth and Mali was controlling them. Take out Mali, take out the Pulverem.

Egon hoofed one in the face and sprang off the other, waving his staff toward Mali's feet.

If it wasn't for the tree branch that knocked him into the dome wall, he would have won. The moment his head hit the wood, everything went black.

Magic Born: The Uprising (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now