"Shut up, Craig." WV two, who apparently is Craig, just rolled his eyes like he's used to this kind of behaviour from him.

"Whatever." He turned to me. "No fainting this ti-" He was interrupted by a groan that came from beside me. I hadn't even realized that there was somebody else on the bed with me, that somebody being Chres.

"Chressy!" I squealed squeezing him in a hug.

"Perry!" He squealed and hugged me just as hard as I was hugging him.

"That's the second time you've called me that, why?" I asked, releasing him, all things forgotten apart from him.

"Oh, um, well, your name is Perez so I kind of wanted to call you something different from Princeton because I know for a fact that everyone is going to start calling you that. I just wanted a name that only I can call you. Sorry if you don't like it." He mumbled looking at his hands that were fiddling with his shirt. Wait, when did he get a clean shirt? A glance at myself showed that I also had one on too.

Mine was green, my favourite colour and his was sky blue. I must say, it makes him eyes more noticeable and he does have nice eyes. What?! NO! He doesn't! Okay, okay, he does but I shouldn't be noticing that. I don't like him that way and I'm definitely not gay. I have nothing against gay people though, just so you know, in fact I like them.

"No, no, it's okay, I like it, thanks." I replied honestly. And I truly did, I love watching Phineas and Ferb to watch perry the platypus's missions, so the name Perry doesn't bother me one bit. Actually, it does the opposite, it makes me weirdly happy that he took the time to come up with it.

He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by someone clearing their throat to get our attention. His head swung sharply in their direction and I heard an audible crack from the fast movement. "Ouch!" He groaned rubbing the back of his neck. I blinked and suddenly Ray was beside him on the bed. How in the hell did he get here that first. I'm starting to believe that these guys really are vampires.

"Are you okay?" Instead of looking scared, Chressy just looked intrigued and fascinated by the speed in which Ray reached him. He wasn't scared like I was when I woke up and that's just weird because he fainted earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He shrugged.

"Okay." Ray didn't look convinced and Chressy noticed that because he put his hand on top of Ray's that was on his knee. "Really, I am." He assured. I raised my brows at this and glanced at Craig who looked just as surprised as I was by this display of affection. They didn't even know anything about each other and they are already in the touch zone.


"Ahem." I cleared my throat like someone had done earlier and they both sprung apart blushing. I chuckled at Ray's expression but it quickly turned into a whimper when his gaze landed on me. Man, that dude is one scary mofo. I scrambled off the bed and ran to the only person who doesn't scare me apart from Chres. Craig.

"Protect me from him." I whispered from behind him, gripping his red hoodie in tight fists. I don't care if he a vampire or not anymore, I don't care as long as he protects me from braids over there.

"It's okay. He won't hurt you." He said, pulling me from behind him and setting me on his lap as he sat down on the sofa that I hadn't noticed before until now. I snuggled into his chest and sighed contentedly. I thought vampires were cold, atleast in vampire movies they are but it turns out that's not true because Craig is warm. Too warm.

"Okay introductions, I'm Ray and that's Craig." Ray introduced.

"I'm Jacob and that's Chresanto." I mumbled from the where I sat on Craig's lap.

"Great, so let's get straight to the point, we're vampires and so are you." Ray and I settled my gaze on Chressy to see his reaction to this news but he just looked indifferent. Not angry or scared or even mildly interested. His face was emotionless and so were his eyes. Nothing. No reaction.

"I know." He said instead. At questioning looks from all of us he explained. "Mohawk over there-" He points to Craig -"told me before everything went black after the crash and also Braids, your neck is really fascinating." He said the last part in a lower voice then shook his head and shrugged before lying back down on the bed and putting his hands behind his head and he started humming High School by Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne.

Craig, Ray and I looked at him with shocked expressions. All I could think of right now is him singing. Singing! After he dropped that bombshell on us! He does have a nice voice though. Shut up and focus! It's not the right time to think about how good his voice is or how sexy he looks sprawled out in that relaxed position. Damn, sexy bitch. Dammit! Focus, Jacob!

Oh hell naw! He just continued humming his song and Ray, Craig and I looked at each other before turning our gazes onto the relaxed form of Chres thinking the same thing.


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