new cast and shout out

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New cast

->Tionne has been changed
->Jasmine is above and i changed her age to 24 years old
->Alivia is Kayana's younger sister who is 21 years old and will be brought in the next chapter
->Kayana is Alivia's older sister who is 25 years old and may also be brought in the next chapter
->Bianca is 21 years old who is a new stripper at ICE PARADISE

This makes Tionne the youngest of the group so they call her "baby". They are gonna call Bianca "Candy" because she's quiet and nice until someone piss her off. They are gonna call kayana "Angel" because she believes that she is a gift from god. They are gonna call Alivia "Diva" because she always wants things to go her way.

I will introduce all of the boys when it seems like the right time

Shout out

I would like to acknowledge the two people who keeps me going. They both vote for ever chapter and comment. They show me love through that. I appreciate them because without them i probably would have stopped the book a few chapters ago! These two people are:

Dedicated to SerkiyaTanner

Dedicated to AbigailWhite2

They really make me feel good about myself. And it lets me know that people actually like my story. You guys its NOT easy to write a book so if you know someone who is writing/wrote a story, at least say "Thank you for spending your time, sweat, and thought into writing a story. You really didn't have to but you did do i just wanted to say thank you"


Im gonna let yall in on a little secret. Maybe in chapter 8 or 9 there will be a sex scene. Yes I said it a sex scene. So if you've been waiting you wont have to wait any more.

Love, Taaayyyy

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