Makin' Amends

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Chanel woke up the next morning listening to the birds chirping outside the large French windows. It was a warm winter today outside. She removed the covers and looked behind her but Devin was gone. His side of the bed was neatly made up. She sighed and made up her side of the bed before running in the bathroom to throw up. She found herself prowled out on the floor with her head hovering over the toilet. Chanel held her hair back as the throw up continued coming.

"Fucking' morning sickness." She cursed out loud before flushing the toilet and running the warm water. She rinsed her mouth out with toothpaste and washed her face. Her skin looked more exfoliated and glowing, she couldn't complain though. She was just dreading getting all fat and bloated.

After cleaning herself up, she checked the time and it was nearly eight in the morning. She decided to go to her doctors office before going to meet Desire for lunch. Chanel got dressed in PINK by Victoria Secret thick leggings, a Michael Kors sweater and pink Bailey bow uggs. Her hair was thrown up in a quick bun and she wasn't wearing any makeup. She grabbed her MCM tote filled with her personals before leaving the house and getting inside her Mercedes.

After driving around the city for nearly forty five minutes, she finally found her assigned prenatal care office. Chanel filled out the papers while sitting down in the facility. She returned the clipboard and sat down. On one side, there was a young girl looking to be in her mid teenage years. Her stomach was large and she looked exhausted, drained and tired of being pregnant. On the other side was a woman who was currently pregnant while trying to handle a set of triplets as they ran wildly around the place.

"Here, let me help you." Chanel smiled while helping the pregnant mother. She picked up two of the rowdy kids and placed them in the chair. The cute little boys with blond hair and dazzling blue eyes just stared at her, probably confused as to why this mysterious woman was touching them. Chanel reached in her bag and pulled out lollipops for the kids and handed them to their mother, who looked thankful.

"If you guys be good than your mommy can give you the lollipops, okay?" She said while looking at all three of the kids. The cute identical triplets all nodded while sitting down with their hands placed on their laps. The two boys were so handsome then there was the girl, who was also beautiful. Chanel chuckled because she knew it was going to be rough growing up with brothers.

The mother sighed. "Thank you so much for that. I really owe you one ma'am. I don't have much money but I can give you something. You don't even understand how stressed out I am. I'm seven months pregnant with my baby boy all while trying to take care of the triplets. Their father passed away three months ago and it's been hell ever since. I seriously can't thank you enough."

Chanel felt bed. "No, no, I don't want any money. I'm sorry to hear that." She reached in her bag and pulled out the two thousand dollars she had took out her bank account earlier in the day. She smiled and handed the money to the woman who couldn't stop smiling.

"God bless your heart ma'am. I'm going to pray for you tonight and I hope a miracle happens for you. You're a gift sent down from heaven. God seriously took his time when he made you. There aren't people out here like you." The woman wiped her tears.

"Chanel Taylor?" The nurse called out.

Chanel picked up her purse and flipped it over her shoulder before turning to the lady and smiling. "Take care." She said before following the nurse back to her room.

Chanel greeted her new nurse and sat down on the examination table. She laid back down on the table and pulled up her shirt. The nurse squirted the freezing cold gel on her stomach and smeared it around before turning off the lights and turning on the sonogram monitor. Chanel looked up at the screen while her baby's heart beats filled the room, it was relaxing and peaceful listening to her small blessing.

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