Morning After

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Chanel woke up the next morning feeling like a brand new woman. Last night was one of the best nights of her entire life. No seriously, it felt better than graduating high school, completing college and earning her bachelors degree. Although it was just about her losing her virginity, it was magical and beautiful. She loved every moment of it even the painful part. She opened her eyes and found herself laying next to Devin. She loved him already and knew since she had given him her virginity, she was about to fall in love with him and become an emotional crazy ass bitch over him. She smiled at the thought of that.

The way Devin handled Chanel made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He was sweet, passionate, careful and nice. He wasn't aggressive towards her. He went the pace she wanted to go and didn't go overboard. He allowed her to take control and take over the sex in the beginning. Then after the pain died down and Chanel was loving the feeling, he took control and handled her body in the best ways ever. His strokes were perfect. It was true when he said his dick had powers and could make a female fall in love with him.

"How was it ma?" His husky, sexy sleeping voice filled Chanel's ears. She smiled while pulling the thick covers up to cover her naked body. Fucking perfect. She thought while looking at him. His radiant caramel skin looked fine and rich. His hazel eyes blended perfectly with the sun shining through the apartment windows. His eyebrows were even and nice for a male and his brolic bare chest covered with tattoos laid there on the bed. This dude had some serious muscles.

"It was everything I imagined Devin. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. Just don't make me like most females, who give their virginity to a guy and he ups and leaves them without speaking to them again." She said while caressing his cheek. Chanel had heard many stories about females giving a man their innocence and them taking it and running with it. She wanted the man who took her virginity to be her fiancé then husband then father of her kids. This was special to her.

Devin wrapped his arm around Chanel's body and pulled her in closer to him. His body heat felt amazing next to hers. She had just woke up so her hair was all over the place, her eyebrows were messed up and her lips were its naturally pink but she still looked good. He moved her hair out of her face and looked into her eyes so she knew he wasn't fucking around. "Chanel I meant what I said the first time ma. I ain't doin that shit to you. You mean more to me than some sex. If I wanted some sex I could fuck some of these wack ass broads but I ain't on that right now. Aight?"

The mood was interrupted when Chanel heard her iPhone ranging off the hook. She checked the cable box and it was nine in the morning. She groaned and sucked her teeth while bending over the side of the bed and picking her phone up on the floor. She rubbed the sleep away from her eyes before looking at the callers ID. Daddy in bold letters appeared before her eyes. She gasped and tapped Devin who had fallen back to sleep.

"Who that?" Devin asked.

"My dad!" She whispered before answering the phone and putting it to her ear while Devin laid beside her looking at her speak to her dad like she was the most innocent girl in the world. He chuckled at the fact that she was just bouncin on dick a couple hours ago.

"Yes daddy?.... No I didn't mean to stop calling you......Wait, your coming over in ten minutes?.....Okay....Bye." Chanel hung up the phone and looked at the time on the clock. Her dad called saying he would be at her apartment in ten minutes.

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