New Flame

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"Bitch this place is bomb." Desire said while entering Chanel's new apartment. Chanel smiled and closed the door after her best friend. She had spent the entire weekend decorating and making her house, a home. With the help of her daddy the apartment came together and was homey and beautiful. Chanel loved it. She walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of champagne to set the mood and make a toast. She poured some into her glass then poured some in Desire's glass.

The girls held their cups up while Chanel spoke. "I wanna cheers to my new apartment. It's beautiful and I love it. I also wanna cheers to this friendship. It ain't easy being your friend Desire but I happened to stick it out for ten plus years. Now let's drink."

The glasses clanged together before the girls tossed them back like juice. Desire smiled and poured some more whole Chanel barely got finished with the first cup. Since just turning twenty one four days ago she had just started buying liquor. Her father ain't play that underage drinking bullshit and Chanel knew better than to go against his word and try to drink. But now that she's twenty one, she don't gotta listen to shit her dad says. She could have as many drinks as she pleased.

"So what's been up? How's twenty one being to you?" Desire asked, making herself comfortable on the couch while Chanel turned on Love & Hip Hop to keep them company while they talked.

Chanel smiled. "It feels great. It feels good not to have to live under my parents roof. I could have as much company as I want and I could do what the hell I want. I don't have to worry about walking around naked and having maids and butlers watching me. Every thing is great girl. How you?"

Desire sighed. "Stuck on JT's stupid ass. Can you believe this mufucka told me he ain't ready to get married yet? I can't believe his ass."

Chanel chuckled. "Desire! Y'all only been together for six months. Damn bitch relax a little bit."

"Whateva Chanel. My grandfather married my grandma after two weeks. It don't matter how long y'all been together, it's about the love y'all share. I don't wanna get married when I'm forty and my pussy is tired and old."

"Yea just slow the hell down girl." Chanel giggled to herself while listening to her crazy ass best friend.

"What about you? You need some dick in your life." Desire laughed out loud.

Chanel sighed because she hated this conversation. She wasn't focused on men, love and relationships. Since eighteen years old her focus was on college and making something out of herself. She never needed a man because she always had her father there for her. Her father always told her that she'll never need a man for nothing. She grew up with that in the back of her mind so as far as she knew, love was ancient to her.

"But there's this one kid, his name starts with a D and he's kind of cute. He slept over here Friday night." She smiled.

"Damn Chan, you fucking ol' dude already?" Desire asked.

Chanel waved her best friend off. "No! I ain't fuck him. He's one of my dads workers and he came over here to help me get the apartment set up. We chilled for the entire night and it was late and you know I hate sleeping alone so he spent the night with me. Nothing happened between us I promise."

"I wanna see this mysterious dude that got my best friend panties all in a bunch." Desire smiled.

"Nah, he cute and all but I can't do that. He's my dads worker and my dad made it clear to me and his workers that we can't mess around. It's like a stab in my dads back. I guess I'll have to find someone else then." Chanel sighed.

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