Hiding in Plain Sight

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long before the police started chasing him. As he ran by us, he winked at me. It only took us a few minutes to start chasing after him since Yang said that he was the competition. As we turned a corner, Weiss bumped into some girl. She even asked her, which her name was Penny, if she knew the boy who we were following. That was the last straw when Weiss kept calling him all sorts of names. "Why do you keep saying that," I questioned angrily.

"Huh," Weiss replied, not knowing what I was referring to.

"Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person!" I was pissed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamp post as a lamp post," she asked with her known attitude.

"Stop it!"

"Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time, he'll probably join up with those other Faunus and the White Fang." I clenched my fist.

"Urgh, you ignorant little brat!" I turned around and started storming off. Weiss followed me, continuing our argument. It was even continued by the time we got back to the dorm. Weiss told us about her run-ins with the White Fang. What she said next was the last the very last straw.

"No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"

"Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around," I shouted in her face. Then I realized that I just let my secret slip out. They all looked at me, Weiss widening her eyes. "I..." I ran off without a second thought.

Yang's POV

My heart sunk when she was forced into saying she was a faunus by Weiss' stubborn nature. I watched my girlfriend bolt out the door without another word. Ruby was calling for her to come back but she never did. I just glared at my stuck up teammate. "What's your problem," she snapped. I got up from the chair, not breaking my gaze at the heiress.

"You. You just scared her off and it's like you don't even care! She's our teammate Weiss, our friend. Do you realize how much it was hurting her to hear everything you were saying against the faunus? Do you see why she was defending them even if they were in the White Fang? You're so self-centered!" I couldn't be in the same room as her right now. I walked out the door and didn't look back. I went in the opposite direction than Blake. I wanted to go after her more than you would know, but I have a feeling that she would just run away from me no matter what. I just walked and walked farther away from my dorm. I could feel my eyes filling themselves with tears. When I found myself far enough away from the dorms and people, I just broke down. I sat on the ground with my hair covering my face to hide my tearing eyes.

"Where are you Blake," I whispered through my tears.


When I walked back to the dorm, I just felt alone. I hoped that Blake was back and asleep in her bed. When I placed my scroll over the pad to unlock the door, my heart broke to see her bed empty. I sighed solemnly and softly. I saw that Ruby and Weiss had already fallen asleep while I was gone. I grabbed my pajamas and walked into the bathroom to get changed. I shut the door quietly. My fingers curled around the hem of my black shorts and slipped them off, followed by the rest of my clothes. When I walked out, I placed my clothes aside and began to climb up to my bed. However I stopped. I looked down at her empty bed. So I decided to sleep in her bed instead for tonight. When my head hit her pillow, the sweet aroma of vanilla came to the surface for me to breathe in. I fell asleep instantly as her scent soothed me to sleep. I hope that she comes back soon.

The sun soon rose a few hours later, hitting my face from the open window. Ruby was beginning to stir as she slowly woke up. She looked down to see if Blake had returned while we were asleep. Although, she found me sleeping in her bed instead. "Yang, why are you in Blake's bed," she asked softly in her sleepy voice. The sound of my sister's voice caused me to wake up. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.

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