Chapter 10-A little too close

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The very next day after my encounter with Vanessa’s friends, I ran into Suzanna. And Tom, in a way. I still couldn’t believe that they were together; especially after what had happened at school.

I was on the way to Vanessa’s place, as usual, but today in had decided to go the long way. Actually, I don’t think I had a choice. It was like I had been compelled to go the long way.

I walked slowly through the dense wood that outlined the park. I came to a rather thick part of the woods when I was made to stop. I walked up close to the trees and peaked through a gap, which was only as big as my out-spread hand.

Through this gap I could see two figures hidden slightly by the shadows.

‘I feel like I’m being watched!’ A voice drifted out to me. It was followed by a harsh laugh.

‘In this part of the woods? Yeah right,’ someone replied sharply. I watched closely as one of the figures can into view. It was Tom, in jeans and nothing else. The other figure followed him out and revealed itself as Suzanna; in her underwear.

I knew exactly what was going on. And frankly, it wasn’t something that I wanted to witness. But I couldn’t move. My feet wouldn’t budge from the position that they had taken on the ground. And it wasn’t finished. Suzanna traced her hands over Tom’s back and leaned into him. Tom turned around to look at her and opened his mouth to say something, but Suzanna dove in quickly and covered his lips with hers. Tom groaned as he pulled her closer to him. I squeezed my eyes close and tried to block them out.

‘No!’, Tom said, sounding anxious.‘I can really feel someone watching us.’

I opened my eyes as Suzanna groaned and stepped back from him. I watched as she straightened the straps of her bra and retreated back to the shadows. Moments later she returned, fully dressed, and I breathed a deep sigh of relief. It was clearly over.

 Suzanna tossed Tom his T-shirt and it landed in his hands. ‘If you didn’t want to do it, you could have just said so.’ Suzanna said, mock hurt on her face.

‘I-I,’ Tom tried to speak, before he cleared his throat and tried again, ‘I did want to do it, but how about we go someplace more…private.’

Suzanna sighed and smiled at Tom. It was a smile that I had never seen before; it was seductive and desire leaked from it. All the smiles that she had given me were somehow innocent, well those that she used to give me.

 I slowly blinked as I realised what was happening. This wasn’t Suzanna’s doing. It was Vanessa’s friends doing. They were trying to show me that Suzanna didn’t love me anymore, and that I needed to move on. And Vanessa would have been the most suitable. And I think that I have actually moved on. At last.

 I was able to walk away now; I put one foot, slowly, in front other. And I gradually made my way through the dense wood. I sighed when I could finally see the passing cars through the gaps in the tree. I was getting there.

‘You were watching us.’ A voice whispered to me. One more step.

‘Why were you watching us?’ The tone sharpened. I turned to look at her.

‘Do you think that I wanted to watch that?’ I asked her, I almost shouted at her. She shrugged her shoulders.

‘Honestly Suzanna, I can’t believe you. You broke me and Vanessa up on purpose, didn’t you?’ I growled, ‘I guess I finally realise that you were using me.’

‘Oh, and you only got that now. Really Lucas, you’re not as good as you think you are.’ She growled back at me.         

 'Actually, Suzanna. You're the one who has to learn to understand. Can't you get it through your think skull. I. Don't. Want. You. Anymore. And i don't think i'm that good. I was able to get back together with Vanessa, so i'm better than you are,at least.'

I walked away before i could see how angry she would get. Though, of course, i knew that quite a few trees would become victims. One more step. One more step towards my future and away from my past. I knew that once i took this step, there was no going back. I couldn't turn my back on Vanessa now, not after what has happened. One more step.

And i took that step and it changed my life forever.

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