Chapter 9- Friends

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I have friends; well I thought that I did. Friends are people who don’t go behind your back and kiss your girlfriend. I can’t class Tom as a friend anymore. He’s kind of like an ex-girlfriend; one that’s been cheating on me for a while but never told me about it. Well, of course he wasn’t ever my girlfriend, but it was basically the same thing.

I’ve been wondering about what Vanessa said to me for a while now. I didn’t know her friends, but they had to be better than mine. I didn’t know Vanessa’s background with these people and I didn’t know if I could trust anyone other than Vanessa. She trusted me through everything and she was everything to me. And I just wanted to believe in her before I believed in anybody else.

I had three soundless nights before they came. It all started with a dream.

I was in an oval not far from our school. But tonight it was different, the grounds were covered with a dense fog and it shone a bright white that was cast from the moon above. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach, not a bad feeling, kind of like small sun had settled in the pit of my stomach. The oval was empty when I arrived, but moments later it felt crowded. I was surrounded by nine people, both male and female, and I felt like I knew them. I even knew their names; Elena, Rachael, Mary, Peter, Lukas, Alice, Stefan, David and Eliza. They greeted me cheerfully and waved, like we were old friends. I smiled at them; my body was reacting differently to these people.

‘We have been sent to help you, Lucas.’ One of them said, Stefan I think.

‘Who sent you?’ I asked, even though I already knew their answer.

‘Our friend, Vanessa, sent us.’ I thought so.

‘Why are you in my dream?’ I asked them and they all smiled.

‘It’s the only way for us to reach you, from where we are.’

I felt a probing sensation in my mind.

‘He loves her.’ Lukas says simply. He was probing my head, feeling around, learning my secrets and understanding how I felt.   

‘I do love her. I just can’t understand her fully. I want to know what she is, I don’t know yet, but it’s slowly coming to me. And apparently you are all here to help me. And God, I really am I glad that you are.’

They all flinched when I said this and looked up to the sky, hands over their hearts.

‘Right, okay then.’ I murmured. They all looked back at him then.

‘Meet us here tomorrow night when the moon fully meets the sleeping sky.’ They said this as the dream begun to fade out. I think they meant midnight.

I woke with a start, feeling like someone was watching me. I climbed out of bed and went to the window, my lawn was empty. Oh how I longed to see Vanessa down there, like I had in my first dream. I had begun to remember parts of my dreams as the days went by. And I liked them, they were pleasant and beautiful. So unlike the world I was living in right now. If I could understand her then maybe my hell would be my heaven again.

Thinking about hell brought back memories of a specific dream, one about Suzanna being a demon or something like that. Oh wait, Vanessa had said that Suzanna was a witch. I didn’t know if this was true, but I think that Suzanna was something very bad, or maybe it was simply wrong. I didn’t want to see her turned it to something that I couldn’t change back. I didn’t want to see her turned bad. I didn’t love her anymore, not after what she had done to me, but she was still my best friend. I didn’t know how long that would last for, but until it ended, I still cared about her. I always cared about her, even before I loved her. She was my life before Vanessa, but Vanessa was my life after Suzanna. When Vanessa had hugged me and kissed my hand, it told me that she was able to wait for me. Suzanna never could wait for me. Maybe she was a witch. And I don’t mean the good witch, like “The Power of Three, will Set us free” witch, but the hat wearing, cauldron stirring witch that casts black magic. That was the kind of witch. 

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