Naruto sighed, at least he got something. Remembering back to the video and the day it happened, no face in particular came up. He did remember though, how the man's hair brushed against his skin and how cold he'd felt to the touch. He remembered digging his nails in the man's alabaster skin, anything else was too blurry.

"Why, what's up?" Kiba asked, now sitting straight in his chair as their last teacher for the day, Kakashi, passed by to check if they were focused on the work. At least one of them was.

"No reason." Naruto shrugged it off. "Hey, did you know my dad's here?"

"No shit, really?" Kiba looked surprised though not once did his eyes stray from the screen.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded, looking over at the only friend he had in the school besides Neji. Though, Neji never really came to class and when he did, he'd only sleep. "Hey." He called out. "Kiba."

"What." The boy, distracted on the article, answered.

"Want to come over today? Have some fun, maybe? I have no one else today and I don't think I'm too trusting of anyone else anymore."

"Naruto, no offense, but I already told you I'm not interested in whatever you do. One, I like long commitment relationships and not... whatever it is that you do and two, I don't exactly go for guys, you know this." A blush crept onto Kiba's cheeks, a typical reaction since he never thought he would ever be on Naruto's list.

It was a cute reaction, Naruto thought.

"Come on, Kiba. You never even date; when was the last time you had something serious?"

"Never, but even so. I have my eyes on someone and I really don't want to start off introducing you as a fuck buddy."

Naruto chuckled. "You know, she doesn't exactly have to know about that part."

"No, Naruto." Kiba continued looking at his phone. "I don't like that. Go hit on someone else." He began copying notes from the screen to his notebook. "Better yet, where's Neji? That bastard leaves me to deal with you while he skips out on everything." Naruto chuckled, Kiba smiling. "Seriously though, if you're not going to help me on this, go bother someone else. I'm practically doing the work for the both of us."

Naruto rolled his eyes, keeping his gaze upon his friend. He had thought about it- how Kiba had been looking really attractive lately and he just couldn't help himself to think about how good he'd be. He knew he shouldn't, but a small taste wouldn't be that bad, right?

"Honestly, can't you just stop looking at everyone like that?" Naruto didn't flinch; he had expected her to come around anyways. It just wasn't a good school day if the leader of the glam trio didn't come to personally insult him. "Naruto, stop being such a whore."

"Yeah?" Naruto asked, letting the girl come to a stop in front of his desk before looking over at her. "Funny, I don't recall you ever keeping your legs closed when you fucked Sai behind Ino's back behind the bleachers." Naruto retorted, the pinkette getting flustered and shocked.

Walking closer to the boy's desk, Sakura grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. "Listen, Naruto. Keep quiet and play dead. Better yet, do us all a favor and die already." She snarled, letting go of the collar and pushing the blond back onto his chair. Upon seeing the boy's reaction, she smiled satisfactorily.

"Hey, Sakura, that was mean. You really shouldn't say that." Kiba stood up for his friend though his eyes still remained on his screen and his notes.

"Oh?" Sakura looked over. "Look, Naruto. Here comes your prince to the rescue." She laughed. "Come on, Kiba. You can't honestly tell me you're not tired of sticking up for him. Open your eyes, maybe then Hinata would actually be able to confess to you without having to deal with him at your side." She glanced at her nails, her bosom resting atop Naruto's desk.

"Hinata...likes me?" Kiba asked, for once setting his phone down and looking up. "Hinata does?"

"In the meantime, the only thing she can do is pity you for hanging around this loser." Sakura said, a smirk on her lips.

Sakura Haruno was amongst the few people Naruto hated the most. The glam trio, as he called them, consisted of her, Ino, and Hinata. While his hatred ran deep for the first two, Hinata was a quiet, shy girl that barely said anything, so he guessed she was alright. Hinata always seemed like she was forced to hang around the other two, always behind their steps, only speaking when she needed to. She was, in other words, somewhat out of place with them.

Thinking about it, Tenten was also on the list. Despite her small, cute demeanor, Tenten's words were nowhere near sweet. Her words were always meant to shoot for the kill, always laced and sugarcoated with sweet venom. That girl was her own person, though, and if she needed, she could easily convince people to take her side. The girl was a walking threat of blackmail.

Putting that aside, Naruto was now feeling something towards Kiba. Forget what Sakura said about him dying, she was right- the only reason no one ever befriended Kiba or why he was never able to get Hinata's attention was because Kiba was always hanging around him. Naruto was the one isolating Kiba from everyone; it was his fault.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the long school day. "Oops, there goes the bell." Sakura sing-sang, jumping off the desk and staring down at the blond. "See you around, Naruto, Kiba." She smiled, content with both conflicted expressions on their faces.

The class began filing out of the room, chairs opening and closing, making that annoying noise they make as students got up from their chairs. Soon, after Sakura and the rest of the class walked out, it was only Naruto, Kiba, and Kakashi left.

"Kiba, I'm sorry if I-"

"No, it's fine." Kiba interjected, abruptly getting up from his seat to shove his stuff in his school bag. "Don't think about what she said. You know how she loves playing mind games with you." He smiled, quickly walking out of the classroom without once actually saying goodbye.

Liar, Naruto thought. He could see it in his face; Kiba was a very bad liar.

"Naruto?" Kakashi called out from behind his desk "Staying for extra lessons?" He asked, packing his laptop in his bag.

"Dream on, Kakashi. The day I stay for extra classes will be the day the planets align." Naruto scoffed, chuckling as Kakashi rolled his eyes and shook his head: Naruto smugly walking out the door.

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