Not Cinderella

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It's a bright summer's day; the heat just tingles across of everyone's skin as they pray for rain. It hasn't rained around these parts for three months and it's about time it does to clear up this drought. In a small rural town, the middle of no where up in the Northern Teritarty Australia lives hundred and three people, aged from an eight months old baby to a 71 year old man. This town is made up of farms and one main street, Kareela Road. There is no reason why anyone would want to visit here let alone move here! So when someone new is coming to town they all know about it.

The bus pulls up and a tall, perfect jaw line, well done hair and greatly dressed guy jumps off with an old blue duffel bag hanging over his shoulder.

"Luke! How ya goin Bud" Marcus greets him with a hug and a pat on the back. Luke is Marcus' nephew.

"Marcus, I'm good, well as good as you can be coming off bus after twenty hours" his raspy voice speaks. Half the town are standing outside the shops curious to know what the new bloke is like.

"Well Luke let me get you a coffee and then I'll take you home to get settled." Marcus turns Luke around and start's heading into the Diner, as Luke looks down the street everyone turns in the opposite direction to make it look like they weren't staring but it was pretty obvious. As they enter the Diner Luke see's something that instanly catches his eye, Rebecca. Rebecca is one of the fifty kids that live in this town, because the town is so small there isn't much to do so once every month or so all the kids meet in town for a day. Most of them are Rebecca's age and the others are ten years old or younger. Rebecca is seen as a "Role Model" in town; she doesn't think so and doesn't like to be centre of attention but for some reason a lot of people especially the younger kids' look up to her. She's outgoing but keeps a lot to herself.

"Hi, my name's Luke" he approches Rebecca sitting at the the bench inside the Diner drinking her coffee whilst reading the paper.

"Yeah I know, the whole town knows, Marcus hasn't stopped talking about you" she turns to face Marcus as he rubs his head and looks away. Everyone in the Dinner is looking at the pair. Rebecca does a little eye twinkle as if to say 'Can I please have one convocation?'

"Oh right, well do I get to know your name?"

"It's Bec" she uses the name she gets called the most, she gets called 'Bec' so much that it almost seems unnatural whenever some calls her by her real name. She stands up to leave as she has an order to pick up then has head back to work. Bec works and lives with her Dad out on their farm, as does Jack, John and Brian. The boys also work and live on the farm; they are a few years older than Bec and have worked for Bec's dad for many years.

"Where are you going?" Luke's raspy voice speaks once again.

"Back to work" she heads out the door with a smirk and a wink. Luke turns around to everyone looking at him.

"What?" he asks, he gets a bunch of mumbling replies of "No, nothing" just as she is about to drive away in her muddy black Holden SV6 with blue stripes along the top and sides he rushes out of the diner with a napkin and a pen.

"Can I get your number?"

"I'm sure you'll see me again anyway" she states why he doesn't need her number.

"What if I need to call you before then?" he smirks, Bec knows she not going to get out of this so she rolls her eye and the pen and napkin and writes her number.

"Is that all?" she smiles, he nods so she drives off.

Bec drive off with dust clouding up behind her. Her pedal hits the ground as her speed increases, her hands grip tighter around the steering wheel, she is quickly approaching the corner, this is it the best part of her day, one hand is quickly realised from the wheel to the hand break. She cranks back the break, the car is facing sideways as it goes around the corner a grin spreads across her face, PERFECT! She had just down the best drift of her life and she is proud of it.

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