reason #10- you sound like a dying walrus

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"Blue gardenias." I yelled at my phone.

"Yellow gardenias?" The person on the other end of the line asked.

How did blue relate to yellow in any way? I mean together they make green, but I wasn't asking for green gardenias, right?"

"No, blue gardenias." I said more calmly, trying to regain myself.

"Red gardenias?"

I solemnly give up on life. On my funeral, my cause of death will be because someone couldn't understand me saying blue gardenias.

"You know what never mind." I muttered, rubbing my temples, crossing off another store on my list. "Oh, and by the way, I said blue gardenias!"

I hung up. This was getting impossible. Olivia's wedding was two months away, and I was the maid of honor. I had nothing done, because I had no patience. At all.

Olivia was getting everything done while I was screaming at people to open up their goddamn ears. She already had the guest list prepared, and may I add, Jackson was on it. She already booked the wedding at a famous hall in Maine, where Joe is from, during the middle of winter break.

I yelled at her for being stupid, because yelling is my new forte. It's gonna be snowing like crazy, and not to mention how cold it's going to be. It'll be in the negatives, and there'll be feet and feet of snow.

For someone who spent their whole life in Texas and California, Maine and the snow wasn't going to settle with me. It was like taking away the fucking sun.

Just imagine Olivia with the snow too, she wouldn't last a day. She spent her childhood in Texas and California, like me, and she was living in New Mexico. She wasn't going to make it far.

Their wedding was gonna be on December 21st, the day of winter solstice. If that doesn't scream 'it's going to snow like a gazillion feet', then I didn't know what would.

To make things even worse, the town Joe grew up in was up in the mountains, and almost near Canada. The town was extra tiny according to my parents, but Joe's parents lived in a big-ass mansion where all of our close relatives and friends would be staying.

They had everything planned out. What rooms we'll be staying in, who we'll be staying with, and our jobs. They had two months, and they were already halfway done with planning.

Makes it harder to sabotage.

Olivia wanted white gardenias, but I wanted to order blue gardenias and mess up the whole entire wedding. I knew it would take more then messing up flower arrangements, but replacing white gardenias with blue gardenias would drive Olivia nuts, and that was great in itself.

I had a whole plan ready to ruin this wedding. I was more determined than ever before.

I dialed Olivia's phone number, and after three rings she picked up.

"Little Huntress." She said, sounding calm. "What's up?"

"I just called up for flowers and asked for white gardenias but they didn't understand me and due to my small span of patience, I yelled at them and hung up." I explained, biting on the pen in my hand. It was a bad habit, and I had no means of getting rid of it.

I heard her sigh. "Can you at least order the wedding cake? I'll give you the number and send a picture of how I want it." She paused for a second before continuing. "Also you can't mess up the cake because I want it from a store in Galveston which means you have to get off of the island to order the cake."

"If I leave the island, I need to take someone with me and Archer is out of town." I told her.

The island had this dumbass rule that was that you could either get off the island with someone else or have to be visiting somewhere far. I couldn't lie because they keep records and tracks. So either way, someone has to be there with me.

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