"Hell no. With who? Lil sis can't date."
"She was dressed real cute and he so handsome too."

"Ard." He said and looked up at me. I laughed and laid back getting comfortable.

"Good night big head." I said.

"Night small butt."


"I don't want you to leave yet." Empress said hugging me.

"I got to go back to school Empress." I said with a laugh.

"I know." She sighed and let go of me.

"You know I'll come home whenever you need me."


"Freedom hurry up and get on the road." My mother said coming from the kitchen. "Here is your food too."

"Thanks mommy." I said taking the food from her.

"No problem. Call us when you make it there."

"I will, I love y'all."

"Love you too."

I grabbed the last of my things and left out the house. I got myself situated in the car before driving off. I had to pick up Africa first then I was going to school.


"Emory you taking me to school?" I asked standing in her doorway. She was still laying in the bed.

"No, I'm staying home."

"Why? Mommy going to be mad."

"I don't care. I have cramps."

"Ok." I shut her door and go downstairs. I take my phone out and text my brother.

Me: Can you take me to school please?

Big Bro: I'm out of town, sorry sis

Me: ok :(

Big Bro: love you

Me: love you too

I put my phone in my pocket and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning daddy."

"Morning baby girl."

"Can you take me to school?" I asked him.

"Where Emory?"

"She said she has cramps."

"Imma be late but yea I'll take you. You ready?"


He grabs his phone and throws away his trash. I grab a pop tart and follow him to the door.

"Emory we leaving and tomorrow you going to school!" He yelled.

She didn't reply so we left out. The ride to school was about twenty minutes.

"Have a good day."

"Thanks daddy, you too." I grabbed my book bag and got out of his truck. I shut his door and make my way towards the school building.

"Hey Empress." My best friend said.

"Hi Charlie."

I stand with her at the entrance waiting for the bell to ring so we can go to our lockers and stuff.

"I thought you straightened your hair."

"I did, Freedom got it done for me but the shower this morning curled my edges up that's why it look like this."

I still had it down but it was just a little curly so I tucked the hair behind my ears.

"Girl I know. Natural hair problems."

Charlie is light skinned and mixed with black, white and Puerto rican.

"Did I tell you about what happened with Erin?"


"We got into an argument and I smacked him but I didn't mean to. I was just so mad and he broke up with me."

"So y'all haven't talked since then?" I asked her.

The bell rung so we started to walk to our lockers.

"No, I think he really done with me. Oh I see him, I'm about to go talk to him and I'll see you at lunch."

"Good luck." I laughed and opened my locker.

"So I guess you didn't see my text."

I turned and Iman is leaning against the locker looking down at me.

"Hi, and you texted me?" I asked taking out my phone to check any messages. "Oh I didn't see it."

"Its cool. I don't get a hug?"

I smiled and gave him a hug. He smelled so good. I pulled away and he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I just know you feeling a nigga." He said cockily.

I laughed and shut my locker after getting my book. "And you feeling me." I shrugged.

"You damn right." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we began walking in the direction of my class. "What you doing after school?"

"Nothing, I just need to figure out how I'm getting home."

"Ok, we can go get something to eat and then I'll take you home. That's cool?"

"Yea that sounds cool."

"Aight, learn something."

"And you pay attention in class."

He smiled before turning around and walking away. A smile was on my face as I took my seat.

Me: I might be getting home a little later

Ma: you not slick, have fun with chocolate boy. Don't do nothing you'll regret, love you and have a good day

Me: thanks, I love you too

I was most definitely feeling him.

Love with a PassionWhere stories live. Discover now