A Witch's Soul?!

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Hello! I want to thank everyone who read the first part of my story! Today is Halloween for me. It probably won't be when your reading this, but, Happy Halloween anyway! Hope you enjoy the second part! :D

(Your P.O.V)

I tap my foot on the floor impatiently, "come on, Raiden! I don't wanna be late on my second day!" I sigh, he's nearly always late when we have to go somewhere, it surprised me when we were on time yesterday. 

"I'm almost done! Sorry!" He yells from his room upstairs. A few moments later he stumbles down the steps and throws on his green converse, while I open the door. "About time," I mumble.

A small smile appears onto his face, "I said I was sorry, didn't I?" I roll my eyes. This happens every time we had to run to the store. Every time. It gets quite annoying after a while.

We walked in silence, well, more like ran. We were at good time when Raiden suddenly stopped dead, "uh, (Y/N)?" What did he want this time? "What now?" I snap, turning around to see what he wanted.

Just then, I felt something. A presence. We were being followed. "I feel it too." My silver scythe blades slid out of my forearms, prepared for the fight that might lay ahead. Raiden did the same. We are both the same, part meister and weapon. 

Suddenly, it was gone, vanished from existence. "How can it be gone?" Raiden's eyes widen in surprise. "I don't know... Maybe we should talk to Professor Stein about it." He nodded, his scythe blades disappearing into his arm.


"Professor Stein!" Raiden and I shout in unison as we run into class. His glasses glint as he looks over at us. "Your late, class has started." 

Raiden's (E/C) eyes look desperate, "we felt something on our way to school! Like the presence of a soul!" He blurts out.

Pr.Stein frowned, "what kind of presence?" I shrug, "I have no clue, but it felt evil!" 

Pr.Stein turns to the class, turning the screw that goes through his head. "Class, based on this information, what can you conclude (Y/N) and Raiden sensed?"

Maka raised her hand in no time at all, "it could be a witch's soul." Pr.Stein nodded. "Yes, and that means we should tell Lord Death immediately." He turns his wheeled-chair to face us. "Will you two go tell Lord Death about your finding?"

I nod, "of course. Lets go, Raiden!" I call over my shoulder, as I run out if the classroom. Raiden is silent, and he looks worried. "You alright?" He looks at the floor with saddened eyes, "y-yea." I sigh. What is he keeping from me? I decide right now is not the time, and let it go for now.

It took us a while to find it, with it only being our second day and all. Once we found it, Raiden opened the door and we walked on in. It was a strange room, it looked just like the sky with clouds if you looked up, and red Japanese arches were over the walkway. 

I glanced over at Raiden, to see the same troubled look on his face. "Are you really OK?" He slowly nods, and plasters a fake smile on his face, "yea, I already told you." 

I look back in front of me and see a mirror, with Lord Death standing in front of it. "Hello! Hello!" He says in a comical voice. I bow, "sorry to disturb you, but we have been sent here by Professor Stein to tell you about how we sensed a witch's soul on our way to school today."

He holds up his huge, white hands and claps them together. "Then, as a first lesson, I send you and Raiden to take care if this witch!" Raiden's eyes widened, but said nothing.

"Go on your way then! This is your first assignment, don't blow it!" With that, he dismissed us, and we walked back to class in shocked silence.

Are we ready for something like this? What if the witch is too powerful? I shake my head to clear my questions.

But there was still one question that lingered: What is Raiden keeping from me?

Hope you liked it! I want you guys to comment, and guess on what secret you think Raiden is keeping. The closest one will get a shout out in the next chapter! 

Another thing, I know this is supposed to be a Death The Kid x Reader fanfiction, and this chapter had nothing to do with that, but this is just to start the plot moving and stuff. Next chapter will have more Kid, I promise! :3

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