Stiles held Allison and I close, covering both of our heads with his arms and shoving us both to the ground.

I lifted my head momentarily, noticing Jackson in his familiar lizard form clambering from bookshelf to bookshelf. As the creature passed, I continued to huddle closer to Stiles and Allison, attempting to avoid any injuries.

I noticed a body collapse in front of the three of us, causing me to jump momentarily and grab their shirt collar, tugging them close. I pulled them in the huddle, not wanting whoever it was to get any more hurt than they probably were.

Thankfully, it was Scott. Meaning that he shouldn't be too hurt. And, even if he was, he should heal in a few moments.

I turned my head over to the chalk board, watching as Jackson stood blankly staring at a white piece of chalk.

He wasn't in full Kanima form, but visible scales and his vibrant yellow slits for eyes were still noticeable.

I pressed two hands to my ears as a loud scratching rang throughout the once peaceful library. I groaned, feeling Stiles place his hand to the back of my head and bring me close to his chest.

Once the ear piercing noise distinguished, I rose my head from the pale boy and went to see what the Kanima had written on the black chalkboard.

Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you

I whimpered as Jackson launched himself through the window, sending shards of glass clattering to the ground.

The commotion had died down, giving us all time to finally stand up and acknowledge the extremely messy scenery.

As I opened my mouth to speak, I was cut off by a loud choking and gagging noise coming from the center of the library.

None of us hesitated before rushing over towards the source of the noise, catching sight of Erica shaking erratically and whimpering helplessly.

We all leaped to her side, struggling to help the once cured epileptic girl.

While Scott, Stiles and I continued to help Erica, Allison scurried over to help Matt, who was most likely cowering on the floor.

"He's alive." She yelled from one of the aisles, poking her head out momentarily to give us some sort of thumbs up.

"I think we should get her to a hospital." I stated, turning my attention back to Erica. "Like now."

"N-No." Stuttered the seizing werewolf, "T-Take me to D-Derek."

"Okay, when we take her to a hospital we–"

Scott was cut off by Erica stuttering the Alphas name once again, "Derek."

"Go." Allison nodded at Scott.

Scott looked at her oddly for a moment, before rushing over to her. Leaving Stiles and I alone with Erica, who was still demanding Derek.

"Hey, Scott!" Yelled Stiles, tossing his hands up in the air.

"Erica." I sighed, "Why Derek? Why do you want us to take you to Derek?"

"H-He can help m-more than a doctor. Trust me."

I sighed, attempting to think of the best thing to do in this situation. I glanced up at Stiles, who was holding a worried expression on his face.

"Let's take her to Derek."

"You're going to listen to her?" His mouth hung open.

I shrugged, "I think we should trust her."

He seemed to take my statement into thought, a great amount of concentration plastered about his facial features.

"Okay." He spoke simply, tearing his eyes from me and to Scott, who looked as if he was having some sort of moment with Allison.

"Scott, let's go." I sighed, standing up and watching as the werewolf nodded and scooped Erica up in his arms.

Stiles and I shared a quick glance before bursting out the door along with Scott and Erica.

To Derek's

fade #2 (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now