Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Arthur sighed as he looked up the big house in front of him. The walls having cracks all over them, because this house was old. England decided to visit it, since no one ever bought it. It was in the middle pf the woods anyway, so why would somebody buy it in the first place? Unless they love nature then yeah, they could buy it. But other than that there's not much of a reason to buy it.

Arthur opened the door. It creaked, since it's old. He stepped inside, coughing as the sudden wind of dust was blown into his face. "Damn, how long was it since I last touched this?" He wondered. He dropped his bag on the floor beside the wall, and started exploring the house. A photo took his attention with only one glimpse of an eye. Arthur walked over it and took a closer look in the photo. He saw himself there, along next to someone he doesn't know. The person had glasses on, he had blond hair, like him, only darker. And there was that little cowlick. 'He must have problems with such hair' Arthur thought. He put the photo back down, wondering who the guy must be and why he's in a picture with him. 'He must be an old acquaintance or something.' He thought.

He walked around more in the house, getting hit by nostalgia every time he enters a room. Finally he's at the last room, the bedroom. He opened the door slowly. The first thing he sees, is a two person bed. Strange. Arthur doesn't recall ever living here with someone. But if he did, maybe that's why he has a huge house. That could explain a lot. Maybe he lived with the boy in the photo. But if he never met him or doesn't remember him why would he live with such a stranger? So many questions were floating around Arthur's head, and none of them had an answer he could think of. He sighed and sat on the side of the bed, looking around the room more. He saw an American flag hanging on the wall, even though Arthur was very much British. And he hates when he hears stories about the American Revolution, especially the Boston Tea Party. He hated how the Americans just threw all their precious tea away. That was unacceptable for Arthur. That's why he has an attitude towards Americans, especially the ones who keeps being proud of their freedom.

Arthur decided it's time to go, he only had a few stuff with him. A few pictures, old books and of course, the mysterious photo. He would ask around if anyone knew the boy in the picture, then maybe he'll remember. But for now he wanted to go home. So he packed his stuff in the bag he dumped on the floor.

Suddenly he became light headed. He felt dizzy. So Arthur went to the kitchen to drink water. But it seems that he was really sleepy, because he was spilling the water all over the floor. "What in the bloody hell is wrong with me?" He asked himself. He tried to wobble out of the room, feeling more tired with every step he takes. Suddenly he fell on the floor, his vision started to blur. "Why the....fuck do I" Then it was all black.

Arthur found himself in a soft grassland, the grass tickling his exposed skin. Arthur sat up, looking around him. All he see was a white sky, then a house in the distant. It was a small one. But enough for two people.

"Awake?" Someone said. Arthur whipped his head to the voice's direction. He saw the same familiar guy from the photo. Arthur nearly screamed and jumped. "Bloody hell, you were giving me a heart attack!" Arthur shouted. The boy only simply smiled. "So like you, Arthur!" He chuckled. He stood up and held out a hand. Arthur hesitated. He had so many questions right now. "H-how do you know my name?" He asked, while grabbing the hand. He looked into the guy's ocean blue eyes. He held a kind smile. "You'll know soon enough." He replied. He pulled Arthur with him to the small house.

When they entered the boy set up the chicken he was cooking in the oven. "You must be hungry." He said. Arthur nodded. "Bloody hell I am!" Arthur took a seat on the table, while the boy served the freshly baked chicken on the table.

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