Chapter 11: Lunchtime

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Later that day at lunch, the group sat down at their usual table. Dallas came in a bit late, due to archery class ending a bit later than most of the other classes. She sat down. It was meatball day, Odd's favorite, and Dallas grinned as she watched Odd chow down on the food. She ate a little, and she went to get a drink of her water, which was when Jeremy mentioned the plan for going to sector five. She choked on her drink. Once she recovered, she started talking.

"Wait, we're going to sector five? Why didn't anyone tell me?" She said.

"I...forgot to mention it earlier." Jeremy said.

"But...this is awesome! Why didn't we go earlier?" Dallas asked.

"XANA has been attacking so much, we haven't had a chance." Aelita said.

"Well, tell me about it! I wanna know what's going on before I get there, not find out as I go."

"Well, you get there, then you go down a corridor, then there are a whole bunch of paths that lead to different places..." Odd started.

"Then you eventually get to the elevator, which leads to the dome." Ulrich said.

"And from there, you can go either through the tunnels to get to the other sectors, or you can go to the core of Lyoko." Jeremy finished.

"But there's a monster you haven't seen before there. They're called Creepers." Yumi mentioned. Dallas was eating by the time Yumi spoke, and the green-eyed girl paused, nodded slowly, then continued eating. 

"So we're going after classes are through." she said after she had finished.  

"How did you know?" Ulrich asked.

"I kinda figured. It's pretty hard to get out of our English class. Well, for me at least, being William's sister, everyone thinks I'm just like him. They think I don't pay attention in class and don't study, and that's why I'm failing." Everyone stared at her with a puzzled look on their face. 

"Since when were you failing?" Odd asked.

"With all the stress I've been going through, can you blame me?" she replied, frowning. 

"I can always tutor you, Dallas, all you have to do is ask." Aelita said. 

"I'll see if I can try to get my grades up before asking." Dallas said, yawning.

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