Chapter 4: Kidnapped...Again

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It had been a week since the last XANA attack, and Dallas was getting bored. She sat down at their usual lunch table.

"Man, I was barely on Lyoko last time. Sure, it was fun for that short time, at least until XANA had me by the throat, but I just want to be back on Lyoko already." She said.

"Dallas, we know how much you want William back already, and we're all trying our hardest to get him back. You just have to be patient." Jeremy said.

"And where the heck were you three?" Dallas said to Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd, completely ignoring what Jeremy said. "If Aelita hadn't hurried to the Tower, I would have gotten my butt kicked."

"We were fighting off specters." Yumi said.

"You should have been there, Dallas. XANA made specters of Sissi, Herve, and Nikolas." Ulrich said, smirking. Odd laughed.

"Yeah, you would've enjoyed beating up Sissi." he said.

"Well I had to be at Lyoko to 'distract' XANA so Aelita could get to the tower..." Dallas shot a glare at Jeremy, who got confused and looked at Aelita, who shrugged.

"Dunbar!" A familiar voice could be heard behind her. Dallas turned around to face Jim.

"Yeah, Jim?"

"Hope you're ready for archery class, Dunbar, from what I've seen at tryouts, you're gonna be my star student."

"Haha...thanks, Jim." Dallas said as Jim walked away to go yell at some kids who were having a food fight.

"Dallas, you're in archery?" Aelita asked.

"Well, yeah. I decided to sharpen my skills with a bow."

"Hey, that's pretty neat. At least you don't have to be in normal gym class." Ulrich said

"Yeah. It's pretty much a win-win situation for me. Hey, I gotta go get my phone from my room. I'll see you guys in class." Dallas said, getting up from the table and leaving.
She didn't make it to her room before the specters got her.
--Dallas's POV--
One moment, I'm heading to my room, the next I've got a hand over my mouth as I'm being dragged outside, kicking and flailing around, by two men in suits. Specters. Go figure. But my friends would come save me, right? Eh, knowing they would save me didn't stop me from trying to scream or get out of the specters' grip. I even bit the hand that was over my mouth, but it didn't do anything to stop them. I fought all the way to the factory. The only time they let me go was when they were throwing me into one of the scanners. The scanner closed around me and I was virtualized into Lyoko, XANA standing over me.

"Why didn't you just knock me out again?" I said, slightly angry about the rough treatment I had gotten from the specters.

"I wanted to make a deal with you."

"A deal? You really think I'm going to make a deal with a demonic computer program?"

"Be quiet and listen."

"Or what?" I asked. A second later his giant sword was at my neck.

"Or I'll devirtualize you and you'll be at the mercy of the specters."

I panicked a little.
"I'm listening..."

Code Lyoko: The Archer Returns (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora