Chapter 9: Anger

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Dallas woke up breathing heavily, crying and was very confused. Aelita and Odd were at her sides, trying to calm her down and tell her it was okay. She eventually calmed down, but was still upset.

"I-I'm sorry, guys..." she said. "I...I let XANA get what he wanted...I thought...I could beat him..." she slammed her fists on the metal floor. She tried to get up, but ended up falling back on the floor.

"Dallas, please, just calm down-"

"No, Aelita, I-I can't calm down! There's a demonic computer program that's possessed my brother, and now I've given him what he wants!" She was starting to get hostile.

"Dallas, it'd be easier for all of us if you'd calm down." Jeremy said, not even bothering to look away from the supercomputer. Dallas growled and ended up charging at him (she started out by stumbling, but caught herself) but was stopped by Yumi and Ulrich, who grabbed her by the arms before she could get to Jeremy. Odd walked over to her.

"Dallas, why are you so angry at Jeremy?" He asked.

"I'd like to know why as well." Jeremy said, having finally looked away from the screen in front of him. Dallas sneered.

"He's been treating me like I'm just a tool to use to get at XANA." She said quietly. She jerked away from Yumi and Ulrich, who looked at Jeremy. Jeremy's eyes went wide. Dallas sat back down in the corner, and didn't get up until everyone else was about to leave.

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