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Stefan: So, I realize it doesn't matter.

Caroline: What doesn't matter?

Stefan: It doesn't matter what book your mom reads in her final precious moments. It doesn't matter if it's good or if it's terrible. It doesn't matter because life isn't about your final moments. It's about the moments that led up to them.

Elena: Our lives are so weird.

Jeremy: That's the understatement of the century.

[to Liz] Not to be blunt, but I think dying gets you a ticket out of work. Just sayin'.


Damon: Look who graduated!

Jeremy: He was fine with it?

Damon: I mean, you're practicaly flunking, missed 100 days of school, and you can barely spell the word "cat," but sure. He was fine with it.

I'm not gonna calm down. I would've done anything for you. And you chose death over me.

Tyler [to Liv]

Just get out of here, don't look back.

Elena [to Tyler]

So was Kai right about me? By turning into a vampire, I completely changed?


I'm annoyed. I'm going through a highly emotional situation right now and you're just sitting there mocking me.

Caroline [to Stefan]

If I can get through to her we save Bonnie's life. If not? At least I'll be with her when she dies.


Stefan: I'm not big on digging. Callouses.

Caroline: You bury corpses all the time!

Stefan: Yeah, but I don't dig them up.

In Bonnie-land that means there's an island off of Nova Scotia with a big magical battery waiting to be tapped.


Well in case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a sociopath. I know, shocker. I like being a sociopath, ya know? I'm not burned by things like guilt or love.


You win some, you lose some. Except for me. I always win.


I don't care. Life's too short. Immortal or not, I don't wanna waste another minute.


Just get on with it Kai. Listening to you talk makes me want to die.

Liz [to Kai]

I could kiss you right now you beautiful moron.

Damon [to Tyler]

I was trying to fix something that I had no business trying to fix. It's like textbook definition of a control freak from hell.


Caroline: If you can't fix a coffee machine, how are you able to fix people?

Stefan: Sure you don't need some real food? There's probably a machine around here that vends O-positive.

Cheating? Cheating is erasing all of our epic memories. That's cheating.


So now I have a Stage 10 cancer patient, which by the way doesn't exist, who is beyond terminally ill, and a vampire, meaning all of his emotions are heightened and he can't die.


Well I'm no doctor, but this guy is screwed.


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