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Enzo: I'm afraid she doesn't find me nearly as fascinating as I do.

Caroline: But you have an accent! Anything you say is automatically fascinating.

to Damon] Congratulations! Everything you know about your mom is wrong.


Liam: Caroline Forbes, the girl from the swimming hole.
Caroline: Liam! The boy I forgot existed!

Stefan: I think you were wrong about Caroline. I realize that I may not be able to explain what I feel for her, but it is something, and yeah, maybe all love isn't true love in the messed up way that you and I have experienced it, but I think this could turn into something even better.
Damon: Well then, brother, stop wasting your time sitting here with me.

Liz Forbes was my friend. In her last moments she asked me to pass along a message to her daughter, but I cut her off before she could say too much, told her she could tell Caroline herself. She didn't get that chance. Your mom wanted you to know how proud of you she was, and she should be. You're a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark. She said you were extraordinary, and you are, and so was she. Liz was a hero to this town, she was a hero to all of you, and she was a hero to me. Goodbye, Sheriff. You will be missed.


Alaric: I loved you when you weren't a witch, and I'm pretty sure I will still love you regardless.
Jo: Pretty sure?
Alaric: Yeah, at least 92%.

Damon: No, I'm not done. And I will never be done. I am not a nice person. I should not have to stand in front of the entire town and pretend to be a nice person. This is Liz having a last laugh from the great beyond.
Elena: Hey, you are nice...

Kai: I was going to wait until the 'death do us part' bit, but it seemed a little on the nose. Am i right? Miss me? No?

Hey, Blondie. Today isn't the worst day of your life. Today and tomorrow, it's a cakewalk. There'll be people around you day in and day out like they're afraid to leave you alone. The worst day? That's next week when there's nothing but quiet. Just a heads up.

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