Chapter One

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4 Months Later

A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jewelled vision of a life started anew.”― Aberjhani

The alarm sounds shrilly beside me and I groan, rolling over to hit it off and merely roll out of bed as a consequence. I sit up; hair everywhere before grinning in remembrance. Today is the day before the last day of school. Not ever, just until the end of spring break. But still, time off school nonetheless. After a really quick shower I throw on jeans, a tee and a cardigan, grab a granola bar from the kitchen and rush downstairs. Outside the apartments my lift awaits, Sophie my best friend of merely a few years smiles at me as I lower myself inside her car. “You’re late.” She says jokingly, peeling away from the apartment block. “I know, I’m sorry.” I apologize. “It’s alright but promise me you’ll take lessons during summer?” I frown before nodding my head in surrender. “If it’ll keep you quiet, and make it up to you… Then sure.” An evil grin works across her face as she says, “Oh that won’t make it up to me…” I groan loudly and rub my forehead. I know where this is going… “But talking to Stuart will.” I knew it. “Not this again, Soph, please!”

“But he likes you.”

“As if.”

“I’m serious, he really likes you.”

“And you want me to talk to him because…?”

“He’s cute… And you suck at math.” I frown and throw her a confused look. “Sorry… Pause, rewind and play. What?” She sighs exasperatedly, “Stuart is unbelievably smart in every class at school. He’s had straight A’s since Kindergarten, and talking to him about homework will be the best way to start up a conversation.” I groan overtly. “I am not talking to Stuart about anything never mind my weak points in math. You can dream on.” We pull up at school as I say this and Sophie sighs in a dramatically soft way as she reaches down to pick up her purse by my feet. “Well you’re going to have to talk to him at some point…” She tells me as we both climb out of her car. “And how did you come to this conclusion?” She smiles wickedly and flips her chocolate sheet of hair over her shoulder. “Oh you know…” She smiles enthusiastically as she puts her car keys into her purse. “Because he’s coming to the beach this weekend.” My mouth falls slack with shock. “Excuse me?! What did you just say?!”

“And you’re going in his car.”

WHAT?!” Suddenly she checks her watch and fakes a gasp saying, “Oh would you look at the time, I’m late for rehearsals… Bye!” She sings this and blows me a kiss before hurrying off.

“Whoa who crapped in your cornflakes…?” Bryan asks as I slam my locker door closed. Bryan Barker is Sophie’s un-identical twin brother. And just so happens to have every attribute my perfect guy would have. He’s tall, muscular, and large never ending brown eyes which contrasts with his mop of ruffled blonde hair, making it a given that Sophie’s brown hair isn’t her natural colour. But Bryan doesn’t see me like he sees other girls. He sees me like he sees Sophie. His sister. Someone he should protect and look after. If Sophie didn’t have the BFF role, Bryan would definitely be in line for it. “Your sister.” I eventually reply through gritted teeth. “What’s the twinnie done now?”He asks, throwing an arm around me and walking us towards our English class. “She’s worked it so I’m in Stuart’s car en route to Florida this weekend.”He doesn’t seem to be surprised by my news and I can’t help but feel like he’s had something to do with it. “You arranged it, didn’t you? It was Sophie’s idea, and your work?” Heat rushes to his cheeks and I kiss my teeth. “I knew it! You guys have gotta stop acting as Cupid.” I complain. “I’m sorry, Anna.” He says apologetically, batting those long eyelashes at me and making my heart flutter. I knew my feelings for him were wrong, he’s my best friend’s twin brother. But I can’t help the way I feel. Lord knows, after the past year is anything to go by, I really cannot help the way I feel about anything. “I was doing a favour for my sister and helping a mate out at the same time.” Bryan says as I look down at my feet in an attempt to smother my feelings. “While kicking your other mate in the teeth,” I say softly. “Thanks a lot Bry.” I carefully brush past him but he catches my wrist and pulls me back. “If it makes you feel any better, you two won’t be alone. Dante Forrest will be there too.” My heart does a little flutter. I’d only ever met Dante a couple of times, at parties with the twins. He goes to college now, but he’s only in his first year, which makes him two whole years older than me. At eighteen he’s the official definition of tall dark and handsome, and alongside Bryan, is my second crush. I knew he was going to be at the beach in Florida with us this weekend, but I didn’t know I had to share a car with him. “Sorry, what?” I ask Bryan, a little perplexed. “Yeah, one of his mates backed out last minute, so he doesn’t have a way to get there. He’s only got a motorcycle, so Stuart said he could go with him.”

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