It was wonders why I had very minimal relationships. Like the words say, I didn't want Niall getting to close because everyone know's when you let someone in they have the chance to tear you down. I've known Niall for only weeks now and he was already basically woven into my soul. As weird and cliche that may sound it was the truth.

As my thoughts reveled off into who know's what the music came to a halt on my phone as it started playing my ring tone. I paced overtowards the beeping to grasp the square into my palm. I pressed the answer button and pressed it to my cheek bone.

"Hello?" I inquired.

"Its about time," She groaned she was obviously grabbing some things and walking towards a different destination for the sounds of crowds of people emersed through the phone line.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"You haven't spoke to me within 24 hours! You need to give me the deets of you & Niall's little fling last evening. Zayn had loads to tell the boys. You just leave me on the back burner!"

"Woah, woah. Amanda, cool it. We had no fling." I cleared up my face getting flustered from her assumption. More importantly Zayn had told the whole group of boys we had. "Him and Zayn visited me at the aquarium. We talked, they were fun. I showed them the furry little brats and that was the end."

"So no sex?" She whined.

"What were you expecting?"

"You have loads to clear up!" She hurried the subject. "I'm going to Starbucks on 44th avenue right now. Meet me there in 10?"

"Is that an order?" I sighed facing towards my overloaded closet.

"Yes, seargent." She hollered.

"See you then, Seargent." I pretended to do a salut even though she couldn't see me. She giggled and I heard the long beep of the phone ending the call.

I dug out my denim collared shirt and threw it over my still sweaty tank top from playing video games. Sadly, they really can get that intense. I already had my yoga pants on so I grabbed my grey TOMS and rushed into the bathroom. From showering early my hair had gotten frizzy but by this point I didn't really care. I layered some light make up and quickly searched for my wallet. Hair ties were strewn around my room from experimenting with weird hair does all day. Its quite sad that, that's what I do with my day off. Amanda says I need a hobby.

Gym's are too smelly to ever go to.

I grabbed my money and toed on my TOMS and headed out the door into the cold weather.


When I arrived very little people inhabited the small coffee shop. The barista gave me a large yet facade grimace and went back to making her hot drinks. I saw a small petite brunnette girl wave at me from the back. I gave her a salute and she chuckled as I made my way over towards her.

"I ordered you a latte." She shyly mumbled gesturing towards the steeming coffee.

"Thanks, Amanda." She smiled back sipping at her drink as well. She didn't like coffee because she didn't like the taste and the after wards motion of being buzzed. We learned that from cramming for tests with gallons of coffee during the late hours of the night.

"So," She leaned in almost whispering like it was a secret mission. "Do you like him?" She said leaning back a bit less secretively. A lot more secretley considering I heard the barista even crack an ear to listen to our conversation.

"Let the whole city know why don't you,"

"I'm sorry," She repremended. "You can't blame a girl for being curious."

"Yeah but you can blame one for being obnoxiously loud." I stated.

She gave me a pouty lip pretending to be hurt even though I knew she wasn't.

"Look I'm sorry, can't we talk about something *other* than boys?"

"How about. . .Abbey's new years eve party!" She beamed. "I heard Ni-" She stopped herself holding her hand to her mouth letting out a squeak. "Nevermind." She sunk back in her seat taking her fruity drink with her.

"Oh come on Amanda. We used to have loads of things to talk about before Niall came into our lives."

"I just want you to be happy," She whined petting at my arm.

"Don't play the guilt card on me." I griped back.

"Just talk about something personal with him for once. Something other than boy crap video games."

"Don't you ever insult my babies!" I said taken aback grasping at my chest with my hands.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm the one with the boyfriend here, remember?"

"Not my fault love doesn't exsist."

"So then what do me and Nate have exactly?" She protested crossing her arms against her chest.

"Good question. Why don't you ask your ex boyfriend?"

"Now that was too far," She stated her voice becoming overly angry and upset at the same time.

Amanda dated a boy in college who she loved very much, or what she liked to say. They never really talked about their feelings all they did was physical things. I didn't think it was healthy, obviously not love. She would protest on how someday they would make that next step where the admitted their love for eachother but it never came.

One night they were hanging out in my dorm while I was out. I came back seeing my best friend in tears. Turns out when she pushed out those simple words 'I love you' he broke up with her and left like the wind. She was his toy, his sex toy. It wasn't any better than her being a prostitute. It was a touchy subject for her but we all had our days.

Her and Nate are better than that but if it happened once what makes sure it won't happen again?

Amanda abruptly got up from the table scooting her chair out with a loud clammer, "I just wanted to talk. I wasn't looking for you to yell at me about my relationship with my boyfriend. Who so happens to love me. You wouldn't know." She rushed out of the restraunt faster than a speeding bullet. I placed my head in my hands groaning loudly.

She does this all the time whenever I bring up something about him. It was typical, I just felt awful every time it happened.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I lifted it out reading the illuminated words on the screen.

From Niall: Want to get something to eat later?

I quickly typed out a reply and headed back towards my apartment.

Best thing about this starbucks: its close to my apartment.

From Niall: Alright, I'll come over with some take out. See you then :)

In The FastlaneOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara