Prologue: The Morning

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 ''Nooooooooo!'' It echoed around in his head. He could only remember the pain he felt every time he thought about Dan. The day that changed his life started out as a normal day like no other. One moment there's life and the next, it's gone, all gone. That's what happened to Dan. Phil thought by himself as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling to scared to move and acknowledge his surroundings. Everything just seemed so much better from here, not out there with other people. Just here, alone. 

 The buzzing sound of the doorbell awoke him from his thoughts. Out of habit, he waited for Dan to answer the door. Slowly it dawned on him, he wasn't there to answer the door. Phil had to do it himself, just as he got out of bed the buzzing stopped. ''Oh, well. Better make myself a cup of tea.'' he remarked. He walked to the kitchen, set out two cups on the counter, poured them and took them to the living room.

 Phil sat down on the couch and watched some TV. ''It's 7.45 a.m. and you're watching the BBC breakfast show. On today's show, dam breaks following major floods, a village mailman becomes an internet sensation and more strikes as electricity prices rise.'' Phil sighed and drank his tea, slowly.

 ''What am I going to do today'' he asked himself, ''It's just so boring, every day is the same. Wake up, work, sleep and maybe cry a little here and there.'' ''Ugh, I should just kill myself- No. I promised Dan, I wouldn't.'' 

 ''... Today will almost certainly be a sunny day with some rain in the north of the country and sunshine in the afternoon...'' Phil got off the couch and back into the kitchen put the mugs in the sink and headed for his bedroom. He opened his closet, took out a green plaid shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, ''Good.'' he said and put on the first socks he could find. He just needed to find his shoes and he was ready. He walked downstairs, out of the door and into the busy London street. On his way to the tube, he put in his earbuds to listen to the radio. ♪''... All by myself. Don't wanna be all by myself, anymore-'' ♫Phil ripped out his earbuds with a small amount of anger. ''Great...'' he sighed and crammed his earbuds in his pocket.

 He waited for the next train, got on, and even managed to get a seat. It was his lucky day, he sarcastically thought by himself. Phil sat down and and looked at the woman holding a baby. The baby looked at him with his deep brown eyes, if only Dan could be reborn again, everything in his life would matter again. It wouldn't be useless like it is now. He sighed, got off the train and continued his journey through London. Finally, at the BBC he opened the doors and walked past the same people and the same vending machine. He stopped, looked and decided on some crisps. While walking to his usual space someone behind him asked ''Hey, Phil have you seen Rupert?'' Phil turned around and shrugged and made a gesture of 'I dunno'.

 ''Are you sure?''

 ''No, Molly I haven't seen Rupert.''

 ''I'll try outside'' Molly hastily replied. Phil replied with a stern ''Bye.'' and walked on. Once, at his studio, he was greeted by Matthew, his co-producer. Phil went about his job as producer of Grimmy's show, it was nice of the BBC to let him have this job, it wasn't what he wanted but it was the best he had after quitting Youtube.

 After having done what needed to be done, Phil walked outside to sit in the sun and eat the crisps he saved. ''Hi, you're Phil from Dan & Phil, right?'' a boy out of nowhere said.

 ''Yes, I am.'' Phil replied with a smile.

 ''I'm so sorry for your loss. it must be so horrible losing your best friend like that.''

 ''I'm okay'' Phil tried to smile. He knew how to deal with these encounters. Everywhere he went there were people saying ''I'm so sorry for your loss.''  Why were they saying sorry, it wasn't their fault. Phil thought by himself- ''Could you sign this?'' the boy interrupted his thoughts and showed him the book to sign. 

 ''Have you got a pen?'' he asked. ''Yeah, here.'' the boy gave him the pen and book. Phil opened it and couldn't help but look inside. All those nice memories they had together, going to Japan, doing the radio show... Phil's eyes started to water, he quickly brushed the tears away with the back of his hand. Phil signed the book and promptly handed it back to the boy. 

 ''My name's Archie, by the way.'' ''Have you thought of starting YouTube again? I mean it's been three years, you can hardly call that a sabbatical.'' Archie remarked.

 ''It was nice talking to you, Archie but I need to get on with my work.'' Phil apologized.

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