Start from the beginning

"Why did you give my name as the father?"

"I expected you never to connect me to him."

"Just make sure he never comes near me again"

"Sweetheart...are you alright?" JanDi rubbed his back.

"Huh? De.." Dylan pulled back and forced a smile on his face.

"No honey...youre not. Why dont we go have lunch? How does that sound?" She kissed his cheek.

"But Jae-hyung.." Dylan looked around.

"He's a big boy Im sure. Come..I'll text him that youre with me." JanDi assured him and they left the market. They sat together at a nearby coffee shop and JanDi watched her son pig out. Jaejoong would come soon to take Dylan with him back to Junsu's. She didnt understand why but he had insisted on Dylan having a boys night.

"Dylan..."JanDi began gently.

"I dont want....I dont want you and Appa to separate because of me again. I...I dont want him to hurt you again. I dont want him to hate me again." Dylan began to tear up. JanDi stared at him before sighing and pulling him into her lap, cradling him in her arms.

"Now...who gave you that idea huh?" she cooed.

"When Appa first came..he said those things and..."Dylan buried his face against her chest.

"Oh darling. There there...mommy's angel doesnt need to be upset on such things." JanDi smiled at him as she wiped away his tears. "You need to know Dylan that your Appa...well...he's had to live a difficult life. And..in life..there will be things that will break you heart, whats waiting for you wont all be good...but at that time you must always remember that you have family and friends who would put everything on the line for you. Appa was very lonely after I left. He was so upset and sad sweetheart. And when he saw you...he didnt know what to do. Hewanted to be a part of your life but there were so many things causing him pain that he just didnt know what to do. Yes, he has said mean things in the past. But he loves you very very much. He wants to be with you forever and never leave you again. So stop thinking these silly thoughts. Appa will never leave you again." She kissed his forehead and his face broke into a happy smile.

So, they would be together again. Dylan couldnt wait.


"That smells nice." Yunho commented when he entered the house. JanDi rushed and hugged him tight.

"Thankyou for the things Yunho." JanDi kissed his cheek. All was forgiven.

"The hoodie looks nice...and oh..youre wearing the perfume and the makeup." Yunho grinned.

"And the lingerie." JanDi whispered in his ear and he laughed.

"But I cant see how good it looks on you." He teased.

"Maybe you will." JanDi teased back. Yunho kissed her cheek and they sat down to have dinner.

"MMM....its like sex in your mouth." Yunho moaned.

"I know you love pasta. Dylan loves this kind too." JanDi smiled at him.

"He's a chip off the old block."

"Eh? Whats with the cuts on your hands?" JanDi reached out and caressed his bruised palms.

"Ummm..."Yunho grinned sheepishly. "I had to cut the thorns from the roses...so..well..you know."

"You silly goose! So..." JanDi poured champagne into his glass. "What are we toasting to tonight?"

"To the rest of our lives, to love, to Dylan and to DBSK..."Yunho said.


"Ah...the final note!" Yunho rubbed his hands together excitedly. "But I need to pee first." He raced to the bathroom.

JanDi shook her head as she followed him and entered their room. Yunho disappeared into the bathroom and JanDi's eyes widened as they fell onto the bed. A beautiful wedding dress was spread on top of the black sheet. Diamond earrings were placed carefully near it. It was a strapless with pearl and lace work on the bodice mixed with a bit of silver and dull grey. It was very long and fell beautifully to the base. A black box was placed on top of it with the final note.

She opened it.

"All day long I spent giving you things I couldnt give to you before. Now its only fair that you give me something in return. No gift means more to me than your smile. And nothing would make me happier than being with your forever. So all I want is an answer to the following question...

Will you marry me?"

"You cant open it till you answer me first." Yunho whispered in her ear. "Will you marry me...again? "

"And again....yes." JanDi kissed his cheek and he slipped the ring in her finger. "Yunho, before you kiss me and we seal the deal. I just want you to know that I cherished everything that you ever gave to me. And it never bothered me that it was cheap or low-class as you put it. Anything that you gave to me out of love meant the world to me." JanDi lifted her hand to show him the bracelet she wore. It was the bracelet he had made for her. "I never threw anything away. I will always love you. Through sickness and health, through good times and the bad. You may now kiss your fiancee." She smiled.

Yunho slowly pulled her into a loving kiss. Sealing the deal. This time, for good. He closed his eyes as their tongues waltzed together. He would never let her go again. Ever.

"PS: I love you" Yunho whispered as the kiss broke. "Now can I see how good that lingerie looks?" he smirked.





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