Chapter 6: Netflix and Chill

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I wiped my wet face with a towel and looked at myself in the mirror. My face looked red from all the scrubbing I had done.

After my mother found me with our new dog, Bruno, she just told me that I should spend some time with the old fella while she cooked and waited for my sister and father.

I was gonna hang out with him, but the plans changed when he took a dump right beside my face and the piss went all over my ACTUAL one.

I ran up the stairs and practically scraped my skin off with soap, water, anti-bacterial spray, just basically anything and everything I thought would've helped the situation. With added additional showers, of course.

So now, here I am looking at my swollen, blotched face in the mirror.

"Fricking dog, destroying my fresh but not so fresh face. Fricking mom, not making sure the fricking dog was fricking trained to dispose his junk in some kind of outdoorsy place or AT LEAST SOMEWHERE NOT NEAR MY FACE," I mutter.

I wrapped the towel around my body and went out of the bathroom to go in my closet.

I picked out a gray tee and blue pajamas that suprisingly wasn't loose and baggy like the rest of my jammies.
I gotta buy me more of these. Remind me later to remind myself.

After brushing my hair down to its natural waves, I put my hair up in a messy bun. My hair was still slightly damp but right now, I didn't really care. I put my glasses on and put on some warm socks.

I opened the door and the smell of my mom's blueberry cheesecake hit me like a train. I quickly ran down the stairs a 'thud' sounding with every step.

Just as there was already about 4 steps left, someone screamed at my ear making me shreik and making my feet slide. I was expecting myself to feel the hard wood floor against my face, but felt nothing.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a really weird position. My butt was out and I looked like I was having difficulty squating.

I stood straight and smiled to myself. I backflipped.

I took a proud step forward, just to be greeted by my butt landing on the floor.

Soon enough, laughter followed. I looked up just to see my sister's best friend, Blake, clutching her stomach hard.

I scowled at her.

"Nice to know that you found that entertaining," I said to her bitterly.

"Y-yeahh. You don't even kno-o-ow," she said still laughing her ass off.

I rolled my eyes at her immaturity.

This is Blake, my sister's best friend since the diaper ages. She was a gorgeous girl. She had wavy,pale violet dyed hair, and quite pale skin. Her eyes were a light shade of blue. She was slim but not that slim. She looked great.

At first look, she'd seem really intimidating, with her mutiple left ear piercings and one small one below her left brow, but she's actually a big sweetheart. She was pretty cool too.

She and my sister had matching tattoos. They got it last month. It was a small one, on their wrists of a bird.

That just made them even closer to each other, if that was even possible. But since I was born, her one mission was to always scare the shit out of me.

"Are you done?" I asked her and she just held up a finger at me still cackling like a wild woman.

"Okay... okay," she took a deep breath. She looked up at me before bursting out laughing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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