Chapter 1- Project Partners?

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I push my glasses back up on my nose with my right hand, while flipping the page on my history book. I was currently seated at one of the Library's tables, studying for my test for the next week. I have been trying to put everything in my head the past 15 minutes, and I have been stuck on this page since then.

"This is hopeless. I can't make use of you. Stupid," I mutter to myself poking my head. I attempted to read again, only to find myself stressing more that maybe I would fail chemistry again. I had my chem test a while ago and I was racking my brain for answers. I have not been able to study chemistry because of my annoying English Lit essay. I slumped my head on the table and groaned, earning a glare from the librarian.

"What's the problem, Court?" Dylan, my best friend, said as he sat beside me. I looked at his smiling face and banged my head on the table again.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked sounding worried this time. I looked up at his sincere blue eyes and nodded.

"Yes, Dylan. I can't study properly cause I am too worried about failing chemistry," I said hitting my head on his chest.

"Well, didn't you study last night?" He asked me. I shook my head furiously and said, "I was supposed to. But nooo, Sir Jake had to let us make an essay for English lit," I said sadly.

I went back to my old position, away from his now numb chest, and sighed. He looked at me with a faint smile and said, "If anyone was gonna pass chemistry, it will be you," he said reassuringly.

I looked at him with a ghost of a smile and said, " You really think so? If not, I will chop your balls off." He chuckled at me and nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

So, giving him one last smile, I returned to reading my book and finally understanding the lesson.


I was putting my books back in my locker when I heard 2 high pitched voices. I turned to see Bridgit Reynolds and Cassandra Lenon. They were the 2 most popular of the girls.

They were everything I was not. You know why? Well, let me talk about myself.

I am Courtney Adams. I am 17 and is top 1 in my class. I love reading, studying, going to school and hanging out with Dylan, which is my only friend and he is also the only person in this school to acknowledge my existence. I have dark brown unruly curls that are usually tied up in a pony tail. I have light brown eyes and a normal body. I wear baggy pants and hoodies to school. I have large glasses that cover up most of my face. I am a geek to be exact.

Now, lets talk about them. Bridgit Reynolds and Cassandra Lenon. They are popular and they have boys drooling at their stunning looks when they pass by. Cassandra has big brown curls that are styled to perfection, green eyes and is the girlfriend of one of the school's jocks. Bridgit has long light brown hair with blonde highlights at the ends, black orbs and is considered the mother of fashion here at California High. They both have killer curves and perfectly tanned skin. Long story short, they are the definition of perfection.

Now, do you see?

I tore my gaze from their retreating figures and returned it back to my locker. I slammed it shut and turned on my heels towards the common room.

"Why were you staring at them?" I turned to see Dylan standing behind me.

"Dylan, are you stalking me?" I asked him and went on with my walk. He followed beside me and said, " You didn't answer."

I turned to look at him and said, " I was just thinking about how they had everything and how perfect they were compared to my pathetic life," I answered truthfully.

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