Accelerated emotions

Start from the beginning

“You’re not funny you know, I genuinely cannot breathe, unhand me Nathaniel Harrington or you’ll pay” she threatened.  Nathaniel raised his eyebrow at her, accepting the challenge.

“Oh really?” and he continued on compressing his arms around her as though a boa would his prey.

“Okay, okay, I take it back, I take it back.”

“Take what back?”

“I don’t know, just let me go fool”

“Oh, so now I’m a fool?”

“Nathaniel, let me go” she whined as she tried to wiggle her way out. Lessening his grip on her, he brought down his face to hers, and said,

“Not until I do this,” and placed a kiss on her nose, “and this” and trailed his lips on her right cheek, “And definitely this” and connected their lips together.

            Leila tightened her arms around his waist and hugged him tighter, wanting to soak in all his heat. After they broke their kiss, she laid her head on his chest as they stood in silence enjoying each other. But Nathaniel knew that there was something more and asked. “What’s wrong sweetheart.”

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.” She told him, burying her face deeper into his neck.

“Leils, what’s wrong. Is it me? Did I do something wrong?”  He asked, his voice filled with worry.

“God no” she quickly answered.  Nathaniel nudged her face up and with his index finger held it up to look into her hazel eyes.

“Then….Why won’t you tell me.”

“It’s just that…” she started. “I’m scared Nathaniel” and his heart immediately drop, she was serious,

“Of what sweetheart?” he asked, but he didn’t have to, he knew the reason,

“It’s crazy you know, to be with you like this. It feels so amazing but  it’s scaring. And it’s scaring me the feelings I already have for you and you might not have for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to have them; obviously we really haven’t known each other in such way for that long. But I guess its scaring me that my feelings for you are growing too fast.”  She confessed. Little did she know he felt the exact same way, only his was maximized by the pressure on all sides? His worries on hurting her, his parents not accepting her, the company, his cousin Mike being so proud of him that he had not become a younger version of the older Harrington men. It scared him too.  And it he had no absolute explanation on why, he wanted her to be around him all the time, and how he was able to become this whole new character when she was around. And truthfully, he needed her around to be a better person. She made him…happy. So, he did what he did best. He kissed her. Kissed her until they both gasped for air and the worries evaporated.


          “Call me when you’re free” he told her as she left the apartment.

“Okay, but I might call late is that okay?” She asked.

“It’s you, why wouldn’t it be okay” he told her before kissing her again. They had been playing this game for the last ten minutes and finally, Leila had reached the door. “You’re sleeping over tonight right?” he asked her, which wasn’t more of a question but rather a confirmation.

“It’s not like you would leave me any other option,”

“See, you’re learning” he told her as she raised herself on her tiptoes to steal another kiss. But this time he snaked his arm around her waist and held her there as he deepened the kiss before Leila broke it and said.

“Okay bye, you’ll keep me here forever otherwise” And stepped out and Nathaniel closed the door behind her.

From the moment she left, Nathaniel’s body yearned for her. In his head, he tried to rationalize the emotions that flowed rapidly through his veins. Maybe being with her was not the right thing to do, but being without her felt wrong. And maybe it was the other way around. And maybe being without her was the wrong thing. Without her, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t breathe and hell everything else didn’t matter. In truth, Nathaniel didn’t know the plan to go about dating her, at least in public, without his father finding about and taking his company away.

            Leila knocked on Thomas’ apartment. She knew that he would be able to tell. He read her like a book that bastard. And when he finally opened, with a martini in hand, she couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Oh you,” she told him, “such a drama queen.”

 “Hello, lost one”  Thomas responded in return and stepped out of the way in order for Leila to step in his apartment which had been modified by brown  modern furniture and yellow and white walls.

“Sorry, for not calling, I’ve just been…busy. Kind of” She apologized.

“Were you with English boy? Woo-woo! Damn he must be good in the sack to keep you from answering your phone for a whole day! Tell me, tell me, and tell me!”

“Actually….” She corrected reluctantly, “I haven’t seen Lance since Friday night, and he didn’t even take me home,”

“What! Did he stand you up? That English bastard”

“No.” Leila admitted as she pursed her lips together. “I sort of left with….” She closed her eyes before she admitted to “Nate” As she slightly opened her eyes, she saw Thomas’ mouth drop, and all she could was wait before the trumpet calls of a thousand elephant pounded her eardrums.

“YOU SCREWED HUNKY TUNK?  The real life Adonis; Let me get this straight, you lucky son of a bitch, so, you go on a date with one Greek god and get to screw the other? I’m telling you, life isn’t fair. I want my Damn Greek god!”

“You’re already in a relationship Thomas”

“Yeah, but he sure as hell isn’t no damn Greek god, now is he? But not of the less, I am extremely proud of you, you finally got your sink unplugged.” He said with laughter. “Girl it was about time!”, and continued to ask. “How’d it happened? Wait, weren’t you on a date with Lance? Did he like show up at your door and take you after you came back?” and continued to ramble on before Leila finally said,

“THOMAS!”  Stopping his rampage, “Hunky Tunk; Really Tom? Yes, and No. But if you must know, when we went to the restaurant, he was there with Mike, the really arrogant, yet funny and somewhat sweet cousin. And they were on dates”

“The fuck; so how the hell, wait yall had an orgy?”

“Bitch, Le’mme talk!”


“Okay, so we see them right, and he sees us Mike invites us to seat and I didn’t want to, just because it would be awkward.  I could see it in his eyes, he was mad, but I didn’t care; it’s not like he didn’t have anyone. So, the night went on, conversation and all and then when I’m dancing with Lance, Nathaniel’s date cuts in, leaving he and I to dance with each other.” Leila could hear the excitement in Thomas’s breathing. He was such a girl, she thought to herself as she continued to tell him the story of their night. She was way passed sober by then, and by that time she could remember all the things that she had done, that she had said. How her heart pounded when he was close to her. How much she had wanted him to make love to her the night before, and how much she was in crave of his body. And how he had not taken advantage, how he kissed her instead and held her in his arms. And when they finally did make love, how attending he was to her needs, how affectionate and how loving he was and the next morning, he had paid her equal attention, still making her feel like she was the only one that mattered. And there, Leila knew.  He was perfect.


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