Chapter 3

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"My Lady," Sebastian bows, "It appears you've got your voice."

I look at him questioningly, "I've had my voice, I've just now decided to use it."

He smirks, "So you're a sassy one, aren't you?"

"I suppose."

"Before you met us, when was the last time you spoke?"

"The last time I spoke was when I was very little."

"Why is that?"

"Why does it matter? I'm healthy and get my work done. The past's history."

"Just because your past seems almost," he hesitates, only for a brief second,  "troublesome."

I shrug, "Nothing I can't handle."

"Well, then, goodnight my lady. I expect you'll be having trouble with Mey-Rin tomorrow, as the Young Master has decided to have Lady Elizabeth over."

"Who's Lady Elizabeth?"

"His fiance."

I nod in understanding, "Well, I must be getting to bed, then. Goodnight Sebastian."

He almost smiles, "Goodnight, my lady."

I open the door for him and he steps out. Changing into my nightwear, I lay on the bed and think about my decision to start talking. Was it really a good decision? I missed talking, to be completely honest with myself, but I can't help but think I would have been better off remaining silent. Maybe they're going to take advantage of me, but maybe not.

I'm woken earlier than I have been in a long time. I groan and pull my pillow over my head. 

"My lady, you need to prepare for Lady Elizabeths arrival," Sebastian says.

"Five more minutes..." I mumble into the mattress.

"That's not very lady-like, Miss (Y/N)."

I sigh and sit up tiredly, rubbing my eyes, "Fine, I'm up..."

"I wouldn't wear something you're fond of, as Lady Elizabeth will replace it with something pink and frilly."

"But I don't like the color pink."

"Oh, and complements of the master," he says, handing me a fan, "He thought you'd like it.. Being shy and all."

I touch the flowers embroidered on the fan and look down sheepishly, "It's... absolutely beautiful... Give him my gratitude."

"I'll be sure to, my lady. For now, you need to prepare, as Lady Elizabeth will be here within three hours and there is a lot to do."

I nod and usher him out, changing into my uniform and preparing myself some tea and a scone. Mey-Rin makes another distressed noise, and I follow her voice to the laundry room, and see that the entire room is filled with bubbles.

"Mey-Rin-" I start, and hear a voice say the same thing at the same time. Sebastian, of course.

"Sebastian, you have other things to take care of, allow me to fix Mey-Rin's mistake."

Sebastian smiles and bows, "Very well, my lady."

I watch him exit, "Mey-Rin, what on earth did you do?"

"Well you see (Y/N), I was cleaning the sheets in the guest room for Lady Elizabeth, and when I took the soap, it said 3 cups, but I thought it said 30 and I messed up, really bad!" She says in a distressed tone.

"Go... Do something useful, I'll handle this."

She bows, "Thank you miss (Y/N)."

I watch her exit and sigh, "What on earth am I going to do with her?"

Beginning with the sheets, I make sure all of the soap is out of them, and hang them out to dry. Then I clean up the laundry room and make sure nothing on the floor is wet. After everything is clean, I exit the room and come face to face with Sebastian.

I gasp and stumble backwards, but he catches my arm and steadies me, "You scared me, Mister Sebastian!"

"I apologize, my lady." He bows, "I wanted to thank you for handling this situation."

"Of course, mister Sebastian. If I couldn't do such a simple task, what kind of Phantomhive maid would I be?"

He smirks, "You learn well, my lady."

"CIELLLLLLLL~!!!!" A voice rings throughout the manor.

Just Give Me a Reason (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя