Chapter 6- Final

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+++Time Skip Approx. 3 years? I don't know when Ciel 😵's and I simply do not care enough to look it up or anything+++

+++I am also fully intending on finishing this series right here right now, so this might be lengthy but then it'll be the end of it+++

I go about my daily work, my mind thinking only of Sebastian. As I clean the staircase, I think of Sebastian. All I can manage to do is think of Sebastian. I will admit, it is rather obsessive, however, I do believe that we are courting, though neither of us have ever explicitly said that we are together.

"Miss (Y/N)," Sebastian interrupts my work and bows to me, and I look up at him, hopeful. Over these three years, my feelings for Sebastian have grown strong. I have stuck to his side like a lost puppy, loyal to a fault. He saved me when I needed saving the most, and I fully intend to repay that kindness. 

"Sebastian," I bow my head.

"I regret to inform you that the young master has passed away," he says.

My heart drops to my feet, and my steps falter, "He has?"

"Yes," he nods, "Which means you are hereby released from your position as one of the Phantomhive maids."

"But, Sebastian-"

"We will not be requiring your services any longer, so it would be best if you were to leave. You have until morning to pack your things."

"Sebastian, may I speak with you?" I ask, feeling bold, "Not as a butler and a maid, but as a person to a..."

"To a what, my lady?"

"I don't know what you are, Sebastian," I acknowledge (A/N: Does she know that he's a demon? If she does ignore it because I said so. ~Plot reasons~).

He grins that devilish grin. The one that creates butterflies in my abdomen. My cheeks heat up and I avoid his gaze. Once I build up my confidence again, I look up at him, our height difference never failing to surprise me. 

"You have been most kind to me in these past years," I say, "Saving me from the streets, training me to be a maid, training me to be able to protect not only the late Young Master, but myself as well. I am forever indebted to you, Sebastian. And I know it is bold of me to say, and it is most unladylike for me to ask this of you, however I don't care anymore."

"My lady?" he asks, though something tells me he knows where this is going.

"Your lingering touches, your gaze, I feel as if you feel the same way I do. Sebastian, I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you."

He studies me carefully, that grin continuing to play at his lips, "You are right, (Y/N), it is most unladylike for you to confess to me-"

"Sebastian, I wish to follow you wherever you go," I say, decidedly, "I don't care where it is. You are the most trustworthy man I have ever known. I wish to be by your side. Whether I am your lady or not is your decision entirely, but I wish to be with you."

He seems impressed by my confession, however, he also manages to seem unfazed, "You want to follow me?"

I nod, "Wherever you go."

"No matter the consequences?"

"I don't care about consequences, Sebastian. You and I both that us two especially are far beyond any form of saving."

He grins, "You have no idea how ironic that is. You must know, if you decide to follow me, this will be a permanent decision. You will never be able to turn towards the light again, permanently banished from the gates of heaven."

Just Give Me a Reason (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now