Chapter 1 (Edited!!!!)

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++Hello initially this story was like dead to me, but I promised I'd finish it, so right now I'm editing the entire thing until I get motivation to finish it++

Fear courses through me. I can hear them getting closer. Their uneven breathing is about ten yards behind me. I look back and run straight into something... Rather... someone. I gasp and step around them. Quickly, now.  Dodging others as I run, I duck into an alley and hide behind a dumpster. 

"Miss?" A voice asks deep in the baritenor range. I rest my head on the wall behind me and close my eyes, evening out my breathing. Once my eyes reopen, there's a male in front of me, "You didn't apologize for bumping into me."

I offer a sympathetic look as an apology, and hug my knees to my chest. He gives me a questioning glance and stands up, offering his hand. I refuse to take it. 

"I'm not going to harm you."

 I tilt my head to the side and take his hand, as he helps me up.

 "Are you currently occupied in a job?"

I shake my head and he sighs, "Do you speak? Because this will be rather frustrating."

He takes my silence as my answer.

"Of course you don't talk..." He says. I shrug and he looks me up and down, "Would you like a job at the Phantomhive manor?"


I study him, unsure of whether or not to trust him, but quickly decide that I've nothing else going for me, and nothing to lose.

"How rude of me," the man says, "I am Sebastian Michaelis, the butler of this estate. And you are?"

Seriously, you'd think he'd get the idea at this point.

"Right, you don't speak... May you write your name down on a piece of paper?"

I nod and he hands me a pen and paper. (Y/N) (L/N). I write. Sebastian nods and leads me indoors. A young woman in a maids outfit runs up.

"Mister Sebastian!" She says, "I broke another tea set!"

He pinches the bridge of his nose, "Mey-Rin, you are a disgrace... Show (Y/N) to her room, and get her the proper attire. What she's wearing is not acceptable. Then take her to meet the Young Master."

She nods and leads me up the steps, "Hi! I'm Mey-Rin! I really do hope your the new maid around here because I could use some help! I'm always messing things up!"

I nod as she stops at a door, "This is your room! I hope it's comfortable!"

She hands me and exits. I change into it and she walks back in, "I must take you to meet our young master miss! I think you'll like him!"

I follow her silently and she leads me to a large study. She knocks.

"Come in," a voice says flatly.

She walks in, with me trailing behind her, "Master, this is your new maid, (Y/N)!"

He stands up and studies my face, "What talents does she have?"

Sebastian speaks up, "My lord, she is very quiet, when I saw her, she was running, and I couldn't hear her footsteps, she's also very fast. She could be very useful for the Phantomhive manor."

"Very well," he sighs, "She may stay."

Just Give Me a Reason (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now