"Alright... You've got some...interesting friends Luke."

"Uh, Ashton," Calum said unexpectedly, "Can I talk to you about something," The raven boy asked, "Alone," He added as he looked at Luke and saw the boy's eyes widen in curiosity.

"Yeah, come on," Ashton said while walking into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh god," Luke said, his stomach in a whirl, "He's going to tell him about that one time-"

"Luke, calm your shit, I'm sure whatever he's saying it's gonna help you out," Michael spoke.

Luke just shook his head, "No, he's gonna tell him about the one time I pissed my pants when I had to watch Silence of the Lambs freshm-"

Michael groaned, "If you don't chill out and shut up, then I'll tell him that story, okay? Pipe it down a bit."

Meanwhile, Ashton stood in front of the high schooler his eyes flickering with concern. He had a feeling that he knew what this was about, Luke did tell him that Calum knew about it all.

"You have to be careful with Luke," Calum told the older boy.

Ashton chuckled for a moment, "Calum, I know that already."

"He's extremely needy, and clingy and everything else that falls under that category."

"Is that all?"

"No," Calum said, "This kid is a fucking reliant mess."

"I'm sorry they were so weird, I'm sure they were just scared, that's all."

Ashton chuckled while pulling the boy into his room, "As long as they make you happy and they aren't bad influences, I like them."

The sixteen year old smiled at that. His family had never liked his friends, he never really knew why, he thought maybe it was because they were dating each other. When Luke came out his family always tried to be supportive of him. They fooled Luke for awhile, but it wasn't hard to tell that they wished their son was straight, and they most definitely wished his friends were to.

His parents never got to meet them like they should have, at a dinner or a time when Luke had both boys over, but Luke never had them over. Instead, his parents met them at the end of his first semester of Freshman year, this was because the schools choir was having a Christmas performance and Liz wanted to get involved, that feeling didn't last long though.

The entire night Luke was filled with fear and worry, and he had every right to feel that way. Once the performance was over, Luke found his parents, Calum and Michael coming close behind. Maybe it was because Luke saw his father sneaking drinks between each song, or that he simply didn't care about Luke's happiness, but the second he saw Calum and Michael's intertwined hands, he wanted nothing to do with either of them.

Luke's parents were the type that thought gayness was caused by the media and other non-straight people, which Luke found that theory unreasonable. The boy grew up having heterosexuality shoved down his throat, and yet he still turned out to be a queer kid.

Whatever the reason was, Luke always hated asking to hang out with them, whenever he did he always got the same response which was, "Why don't you make some more friends, you're always hanging out with them." Luke didn't want to make more friends though, Michael and Calum understood him so easily, and he couldn't imagine having to open up to anyone else. That was before he met Ashton, though.

With Ashton it was like he didn't even have to try to talk or think his words thoroughly, it all just fell into place, he loved that. He also loved how when he was with Ashton no matter what he said, Ashton would never think less of him. Even when he said the dumbest things, Ashton would just laugh and shake his head, unlike others who would make Luke feel like an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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