Chapter 21

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((Jessica's P.O.V))
It was official...Christmas season had arrived. School had ended only a day and it already felt...well, Christmas-y. The weather resembled that feel you had at Christmas, a frost lingering in the air, the wind blowing as the sky stayed gray and cloudy. Snow was scheduled to fall just days before Christmas arrived.
It wasn't just nature getting into the Christmas-y spirit. Every house you passed walking down the street had noticeably hung their Christmas decorations up. Christmas tree's had been decorated and tinsel was hung everywhere. The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies lingered in every house you would enter. Christmas songs and carols were being song, whistled and hummed. Due to the frost in the air people walked around wrapped up in jumpers, scarves wrapped around their necks and mittens or gloves covering their hands-which they rubbed together to try and warm up. Posters for the local Christmas play hung around the streets.
Christmas was here, and everyone was in the spirit.
Though life continued on as normal. With my parents in work I found myself enjoying the Christmas half term alone.... I say alone, I mean without family.
As excited as I was for Christmas, I was nowhere near prepared. I had completed no Christmas shopping and I had no Christmas cards written to hand out to the people close to my heart- or the people that deserved them.  Hopefully today I could get that stuff done.
I had planned to go Christmas shopping with the girls and I was somewhat looking forward to it. Walking around shops for hours on end trying to find the perfect gifts...well that was leaving me dreading the experience. But having the chance to watch everyone open their gifts when Christmas finally arrived was what I was anticipating. The question was what were the perfect gifts?
I had to buy gifts for a few people, Roger, Freddie, John, Brian, Ellesse, Courtney and both of my parents. To be honest, I had no clue what to get any of them...that was the dilemma I was in. However I knew I would have to face the task of Christmas shopping sooner or later . . . and sooner seemed more suitable.
Reluctantly I pulled myself out of bed, immediately feeling the cold air hit what was my warm skin. Shivering I quickly ran into the bathroom, turned on the shower (making sure the water was warm) and stripped down.
After checking the temperature of water I jumped right in. The warm water hitting my body giving me some sort of relief, relaxing my muscles that had been tense and waking me up that little bit more...something I defiantly needed.
I hadn't spent long in the shower; I didn't see the need to. After washing my hair and self I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I had wrapped a towel around my body before retreating to my bedroom, where my clothes waited to be occupied.
I quickly dried before slipping on some skinny jeans, a t-shirt and a stylish jumper. I had found some fluffy socks in my drawer and I immediately put them on. I plaited my hair so it ran over my shoulder, not bothering to take the time to dry it. After slipping on some boots I made my way downstairs, waiting for company to arrive.
Escorting me shopping today would be Ellesse and Courtney. We would all go shopping together and help each other with the gifts we needed to find. Hmm, I would have to find a way to distract them whilst I found their gifts. It shouldn't be so hard right?
Anyways, after shopping we had planned to meet up with the boys and retreat to their flat where we could hang out and warm up. The only thing now holding me back from starting today's activities was the fact I had to wait for the girls to arrive.
The girls arrived only minutes after I had completed that thought. They both arrived enthusiastic to spend the day shopping and well, spending time at the boys flat. They haven't actually seen Roger and me together. They truly wanted to know how we acted around each other, and how the relationship was going. The girls also wanted to meet the boys- meet the people who occupy the majority of my time.
Moments after they arrived we all left, making our way to the shopping centre where the majority of our day would be spent. On the way the girls continued planning what shops they wanted to go into and what gift ideas they had. To be fair, I just wanted to get this over and done with.
Already an hour or two of shopping had passed. We had all successfully bought presents for our parents- the items being ranged from clothes to books to records- and had bought presents for each other. I had gotten Ellesse a record she had been dying for and a bracelet whilst I got Courtney a book she seemed interested in and a similar sort of bracelet. I only had two presents to go being Freddie and Roger's.
I had got Brian a few books on astronomy and for John I got him a Beatles record I thought he would like. Out of all the boys John must be the person I spend the least time with- so I had no clue what to get him...but I came out successful.
The girls had now completed their shopping and were walking around trying to help me find something for the other two. It took one more shop for me to find Freddie a gift- a book on jimi Hendrix and a record that I thought he would like. Music seemed to be the answer for me to day... it has helped me a lot. And hay who doesn't like music, so it's a particle idea.
We had walked around the shopping centre at least twice- still I was racking my brain over something to get Roger. I didn't want it to be a boring- here you go have fun with that stupid thing- present... I wanted to do or give him something that would mean a lot, that would show I care and put thought into it.
Finally we found a store that suited what I needed and I had finally completed my Christmas shopping. I had no clue what to get Roger but in the end I bought him: some personalised drum sticks that had his name on and another present that shall be left a surprise.
It had been a tiresome day but finally we made it to the canteen where the boys were already waiting.
((Roger's P.O.V))
We had just arrived back at the flat after spending all morning Christmas shopping....oh joy. We had met the girls at the shopping centre canteen and now we were in the comfort of our small but warm flat.
We had left the girls shopping in the boot of my car since I would drop them home later. I walked hand-in-hand with Jess towards the flat. Ellesse was walking and talking with Freddie and Brian whilst Courtney spoke with John.
We had all been properly introduced back at the shopping centre and now everyone was talking as though they had been friends for years.
I could hear Ellesse and Freddie debating over something whilst Brian just followed the argument and sighed.
"So was your shopping trip successful?" I asked Jess as Brian opened the door to our flat. With one push after unlocking it the door opened and everyone filled in.
"Very, I got everything I about you?" she said, a wide smile on her face.
"Yeah I got what I wanted. Hey can you help me with these a minute?" I asked. My hand was full of shopping bags and I wanted to put them away in my room.
"Sure, hand me some" I quickly handed her a bag and we made our way to my room- the others watching us as we walked away.
Once in the room I closed the door behind them. After freeing my hand from Jess's I took the bag off her, walking over to my wardrobe and hiding them there...for now. I would have to move them later since I know Freddie will be searching for his gift soon.
I quickly closed the door and turned around, strutting towards Jess and immediately wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me.
In one quick movement my lips were on hers, fitted together perfectly like two pieces to a puzzle. We pulled away, though we didn't let go of each other. But finally I did. Grabbing her hand I pulled her out of the room and back into the living room where everyone was.
I quickly jumped on the sofa, not giving anyone the time to get there. With myself sprawled across the whole of the sofa I pulled Jess down on me. She cuddled into me as everyone looked at us- the girl's lovingly, clearly having not seen this before. And the boys annoyingly, pissed that they had to sit on the floor.
Let's see how this afternoon goes.
((Ellesse's P.O.V))
Some time had passed and I was truly enjoying myself. Banished to the floor because Roger and Jess were spread out on the sofa, I was squished between Freddie and John.
I had already taken a liking to Freddie and I felt very honoured that he trusted me enough to tell me he was gay. He was kinda shocked that I didn't care and truly expected me to call him some sort of disgusting name. I wouldn't blame him- with what society says about homosexuals these days.
Anyway, throughout the whole time we have spent here I have learnt a lot about the people Jess hangs out with and how different each and every one of them is. I have heard many funny stories today and we have even played truth or dare...which was fun cause we got to witness Freddie stuffing ice down his trousers- you can thank John for that one.
However slowly our day was coming to an end. As the time to leave got closer and closer I could see how sad it made the loving couple feel.
When the time to leave finally came it took about 15 minutes before we could leave the flat.
I watched as Jess and Roger embraced by the door, ready to say there goodbye for now and give each other one final kiss. It was truly a saddening and loving sight. They both looked as though they weren't going to see each other for weeks...year's maybe. It shows how much they truly love each other.
The car journey home was slight and no one dared say a word. Roger dropped us off around the corner from Jess's. With a final wave and a muttered 'goodbye' he drove off.
It was that moment I realised how strong their feeling were for one another...and that they truly couldn't live without each other.

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