Chapter 4

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We had training tonight, I don't wanna go, because I'm way too tired for this. But, Sam is making us all go. I didn't have to shift though, so that was fine with me. I had to get on Embry's back, and they were running to the training area.

I held onto Embry's hair while they ran. 'What do you think they'll teach us?' He asks me. I shrug. "Maybe ways to kill the newborns without going for the obvious kill." I suggest. He huffs. It was still kinda dark outside. They all slowed down as we went over the little hill. I saw them. The Cullen's. We then stopped. I jumped off of Embry's back, and go to walk to a tree, but someone grabs my shirt from behind.

I turn around and it was Embry. I laugh. I try to keep walking, but he keeps pulling me back. It was tug a war. I laughed as I gave up as he just held me above the ground in his mouth. I was trying to stifle a giggle in while everyone else looked amused.

I huffed as he gently out me on the ground. I got up and started climbing a tree. I say on a branch and watched everyone. We asked questions, the vamps answered them, then Emmett and Jasper were fighting. It was kinda slow to watch as they all fought. Edward versus Carlisle was great to watch. It made me laugh. When we were done, Embry called me down. "Embry!! I'm going to die!" I told him as he was phased back. He laughed and held his arms out.

"No your not. Just close your eyes and fall! I'll catch you! Promise!" He yelled up to me. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting out a huge intake of air, then, I was falling. It took all I had to not scream. When I thought Embry wasn't going to catch me, I felt those warm, strong meaty arms I loved so much. I let out a breathe and stuck my head in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you Em." I whisper. He smiles. "No problem." He said back. He let me down, but I didn't go anywhere. I stayed with him. Bella was talking to Jacob. "Jacob." I wanted. He turned around and growled at me. I pushed away from Embry. "Jacob. She is with Edward. She's not going to love you in that way." I told him as Edward grabbed Bella. He pulled her away from us.

'No, she feels something for me, I know it.' He told me. I snarled at him. "No, she doesn't. I'm sorry." I told him, and he started to run at me. "Oh my gosh." I whispered at he tackled me to the ground. I had to hold his face away from me so he didn't bite me. 'Jacob!!!' Embry said. I shook my head.

"No!" I told him as I kicked Jacob off of me. He flew back up on the hill, but attacked me again. He ripped my shirt into shreds. "You know it's true Jake!!! You just can't believe it!!!" I said as he swiped me in the face. I gasped as he had clawed my face up. Everyone else was shocked also.

He just kept going. He bit down on my arm, breaking it into pieces. I whimper. I got up and phased. It was obvious, I was weak now. I got on him and bit his back, but he threw me off and bit my torso. I screamed in pain. Never in my life, had I thought my best friend would try to kill me.

Suddenly, Sam and Paul got him off me, I was bleeding pretty bad now. I was starting to get dizzy and numb. I felt warm hands and one cold hand on me. I gasped. "Oh my god!!! Meagan!!!" Someone yelled for me. I didn't listen. I was to busy trying not to close my eyes.

"You gotta stay with me Rabbit!!!" Embry yelled. I gasped again. "Tell....Jacob, I'm....I'm sorry." I whispered as I grabbed his hand. They were all crying. "No!!" He said. I nodded. "I have to get her to our house. You all are welcome to come." Carlisle said, as I felt those cold hands grab me gently, and the cold air was surrounding me, fanning my face as they ran.

Then, I saw lights, I was warm again. Those lights, were the last thing I saw, before I blacked out.

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