Chapter 1

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Embry and I sat at our place. It was my place, but I showed it to him, so now, it's ours. Right at the Canadian Border. It was sunny, which is rare in Forks, so we took advantage of the day. It was beautiful, needless to say. And it was quite. It was amazing. We did this often. Come here to just get away from Sam and the pack, or to just, get alone some alone time with each other.

With Sam, and my patrol hours, it's never enough for Sam anymore, even Jared is thinking about quitting the pack. He is sick of patrolling for 7 hours a day, and not being able to see Kim, his imprint. I'm getting tired of doing this too. I never have time for school, not to see Bella, or to do homework, and it's driving Embry and I nuts to not see each other.

Bella and Edward are at their meadow also, but they are by the house, so it's pretty close to home. Bella, Edward and I have exams in a few weeks, so we have to study a lot. I have to study for English and Chemistry, since I took all my important tests last year.

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold for those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice. I think I know enough of hate, to say it for destruction. Ice is also great, and would safice." I said, looking down at my Robert Frost book. That is one of the poems I have to study. Embry took my book from me. "Hey!" I protest as he quickly got up and raced away. I smiled. I got up and started to chase him around our field.

This, was one of our cherished moments. This is one of the moments I am grateful for. I chase him around the field, trying to get my small legs over the tall grass. He laughs at me. I then speed up and tackle him gently to the ground. We laugh like idiots. We needed this. I bent down, pretending like I'm going to kiss him, then snatch the book from him and take off running.

I don't know how he caught up fast, but I felt his arms go around my waist, then hold me by my stomach and lift me up off the ground. I squealed. We just laughed. He dropped me when we got to our original spot. I plopped down on my belly and continued to study.

He took my book away from me again, but when I go to whine, he kissed me. I felt like we hasn't done this in years, but really, it was days, maybe even weeks. I missed this. "I love you." I muttered as we pulled away. He looked me right in the eyes. His brown puppy dog eyes shining bright with excitement and happiness.

"I love you too. Always and forever." He said, and dove in for another kiss. I smiled, we pulled away again. "I have to study." I say. He chuckles. "You already have it memorized. No need to over stress yourself." He said, and began to kiss my neck. I smiled slightly. I grabbed his shirt. "Guess what Bella told me?" I ask him. He pulled away and nodded. "Edward asked her to marry him. She is already going to say yes. You cannot tell Sam. Keep this out of your furry little head." I tell him.

His eyes widened. "What if I asked you to marry me?" He asks. I smiled as I leaned closer. I sat in his lap. "I'd say yes. A thousand times yes." I whisper. He smiles. "Then would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He teases. He pulled out a ring, and it wasn't teasing no more. I look at him. "Embry? Is that really?" I ask him. He nods and blushes.

I gasp. "Your fucking kidding?!" I ask him. He shakes his head. I get up, as does he. I could cry, but I'm too stunned. He goes down on one knee, and that's when I begin to cry. "Meagan Swan. Where do I begin to describe you? I can't. I've seen your past, literally. I've been with you this whole 2 in a half years you've been here. I don't want to see a day without you, or live one at that. Before I met you, I thought there was no hope for me, but you came and changed all that. Your my world, and without you, I wouldn't be able to survive. I love you so much it hurts. To see you suffering for a good amount of time, it hurt me, it hurt us all. Your my reason to wake up everyday and smile. Your the reason my heart beats, because it was meant for you. I love you with all my heart, and that's never going to change. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?" He asks me. I was full out balling.

I gently grabbed his hands and he stood up. I nodded. "Yes. Yes. A million times yes!" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back, grinning. I pulled away and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. "I love you more than my own life." I whisper. He laughs. He just held me. We pulled away and he slipped the ring on my ring finger. I smiled. "What are we going to tell Charlie?" I ask him with a devilish grin. His face drops. I laughed. "What are you going to tell Sam?" I ask him again. His face was filled with fear.

I laugh again. I hug him. "Don't worry Em, they won't do anything. They know you mean too much to me." I whisper. He laughs at me. He takes his phone out and frowns. "Damn. It's already 5?" He asks himself. I was surprised. "Sam said to have you back by 5:30. We gotta go." Embry said and we started to pack up. "We have to tell Sam." I say as we start walking home. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

Most girls are jealous of me because I have the most sexiest guy in my life and they don't. I love Embry because he was always there for me, he has a very appealing personality, and I love him for him. I love him to death. "Nope. I'm phasing." I decided and took my bag off my shoulders. He nodded too. He took off his shirt, and I took mine off too. I heard him growl.

"I swear if you take your shorts off, I won't be able to control myself." He warned. I stifled a laugh. He grins. "Don't laugh at me." He said. I just couldn't help it. I started to laugh. "If you take your boxers off, I'll probably jump your bones." I warn him. He growled. I felt his warm was behind me. "Please?" He whispers. I laugh so hard it wasn't even funny. I push him away gently and phase, picking up my clothes and bag. Embry phased as well as picked up his clothes.

We started to run home. Sam was going to be so pissed at us. But that didn't matter to us right now. We knew we loved each other and that was all that matter.

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