Chapter 3

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I was at home, with the boys, whom I invited to the graduation. I was getting my black dress on, with my black high heels and I picked up my cap and gown earlier. I was all ready. I walked outside my room and went into the living room. "Oh my gosh!!! My sister is sexy asf!!!! Wow!! Woah!!! Hot mama!!" I heard it all.

Embry hit the boys in the head his shoe, and walked up to me and kissed me. "You looked wonderful." He whispered. I blushed like a tomato. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself Mr. Call." I said and winked.

The boys groaned. I growled. "Oh shut up you idiots. You guys have mates too." I state. Leah and Seth couldn't make it. They are helping their mom help make dinner for Billy and G Quil. It was nice of them to offer.

Maybe it was because Leah didn't want to be near Sam on her free days, and maybe Seth really wanted to help Leah with that. I loved their relationship. I wish me and Bella had that, but no, stupid supernatural species had to be in the way of that.

I didn't blame Sam or Leah, or Emily, you can't control who you imprint on. It happens. Like with Quil, he imprinted on Claire, a 3 year old little toddler. Like I said, it happens. And Sam just so fortunately imprinted on Emily, Leah's cousin. I felt bad for Leah, but fate decides, not us.

"Come on, we gotta go before were late." Sam announced as we all walked outside. Me and Embry and Jared walked to my car. I got in the drivers seat and the boys got in their seats. We buckled up and drove to school.

"By the way." I start, as I break the silence. "The Cullen's invited me to the Graduation Party." I say. They nod. "I know. Jacob got invited by Bella, and he's taking me and Quil with him." Embry said. I looked over and smiled. It was packed. The whole parking lot was packed, and so was the building from where I could see. I got out and quickly put my cap and gown on. I grabbed Embry's hand, nervously as we all walked in.

I tried to find Bella, and suddenly, a warmish coldish hand grabbed my wrist. I gasped and jumped around, to find. Bella. I sighed and hugged her. "Ready?" I ask her. She nods. "You?" She asks. I shake my head. We pull away. "Not one bit. Let's go." I said and we went to our seats. She chuckled. Angela and I had to give the valedvictorian speeches. Me out of all people.

Angela took the first group. A-M, while I take N-Z. She was up first. Her speech was epic. It really was. The way she expressed herself and the way she wants us all to live. "Our last speech for this Graduation, who will be speaking for us, is Meagan Swan." Principle said. I sighed, as everyone looked at me in shock and disbelief. I walked up on the stage and went to the stand.

"Okay, everyone. I know, I'm probably the worst student in here, ever. But, personally, I do try. I do, and I decided to give this a try." I say. I smiled. "All of you people who have parents who are divorced, or one has died, please raise your hand." I say. Very few raised their hands. "Thank you. I'm sorry for all the troubles in your lives. I know how you feel. Trust me. No, the people who have both of their parents, stand up." I say.

Over three fourths of the student body stood up. "You guys don't realize how lucky you are to have your parents still married and together. Be thankful, or otherwise, your taking everything for granted. And one day, you'll realize the little things in life matter and count. And I'm not up here today, telling you or asking you how you should live your life. That's up to you. That's your choices to make. Make mistakes and make them again because you only live once. Thank you." I say, and I got a standing-ovation.

I walked back down to the floor,smiling like and idiot. Bella hugged me. We all settled back down and they continued to call names. "Isabelle Swan." He called and she got up, making her way through the crowd up to the stage. She got her diploma and shoot our principal's hand. She sat back down. "Meagan Moon Swan." He called and I was smiling already.

I walk back up to the stage and shook his hand and got my diploma. Just as I was walking back down, I grabbed the mic. "By the way, I'm engaged, deuces." I stated. Everyone just clapped and whistled at me. Embry came running up to me and hugged me. I kissed him. "I love you." I said. He just grinned. "I love you too Rabbit." He said.

We sat down, until he called the last person on the list. Then, we all got up and flung our caps. It was the third best day of my life. The first was seeing Embry again, the second was being engaged to him. This is my third. I was so happy. We all went back home, Embry, Quil, Jake and I changing into our everyday wear and went to the Cullen's.

It was so weird to be back here again. I grabbed a bottle of booze and walked around, until I saw Alice. She kept her eyes trained on me, but was zoning out. I smelt Bella, but didn't care. Alice was having a vision. I took a large swig of my bottle and walked upstairs, following Bella and Jacob. Someone took my bottle. I turned around and it was Embry getting a drink. I smiled. He set it on the counter and grabbed me around my waist and nodded back to Quil, saying to come on. I don't blame the two. If it weren't for Bella, I would never be able to trust the Cullen's.

We walk upstairs and meet the Cullen's in the other living room. It was silent. "There's been a situation in Seattle. Unexplained disappearances, killings." Edward says, but Carlisle answers him. "Someone is creating an army." Carlisle says calmly. "What damn army?" Jacob asks harshly. I grab his shoulder to calm him down. "Newborns. Newly turned vampires." I say, and everyone, but the vamps look surprised.

"You knew?" Bella asks me. I shake my head. "It was merely a thought. Think about it. Their killing is wreckless, so is their feeding. Victims drained of blood? Come on. Even an older vampire knows how to control its thirst for human blood." I state. They nod. "But an army of newborns, should be on the child's play mode. Which means, should be very simple to kill. Tear to shreds and run." I say sitting on the couch. Embry stands by me while Quil goes to stand by Jake.

"We all need training." Carlisle said. "Meagan, Jacob. Can you ask Sam...for an understanding?" He asks us. I grin. "I don't care what Sam says, I'm fighting you if the others don't, it'll be much more fun." I say and look to Embry, Quil and Jacob. They smirk with me. Quil comes and slaps me on the hand. "No." Bella growls and I roll my eyes. "You guys could get killed out there." She says. I snort. "Never been afraid of vampires." I say. "Carlisle! They can't fight." She pleads.

'She needs the protection.' I tell Edward. He nods while staring at me. "You need the protection." He says. Bella sighs. "Bella, you were the one who wanted us to work together, remember?" Jacob says, a hint of teasing in his voice. I grin again. Could this night get any better?

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