"Everything okay?" I asked when I caught him staring

"Uh yeah I was just wondering if you were okay after the fight and everything. How are you feeling?" He asked

I shrugged and stood up from where I had been kneeling on the floor while I grabbed the hair things.

"I'm alright I guess, my stomach hurts a bit but other than that I'm pretty okay." I said

"Thats good. Clint is waiting for you downstairs by the way." He said

I nodded my head while I brushed my hair and then pulled it into a tight pony tail so I would be out of my face while I worked for the rest of the day. As soon as I was done I packed all of my things away and walked with Newt down the stairs of the homestead and into the room I had bee in the previous day when Jeff had checked me for any injuries.

"Skylar, how you feeling today my little feisty friend?" Jeff greeted as soon as I walked in to the room.

"Alright Jeffy and how are you today my huge gossiping friend?" I asked, high-fiving him as I walked in

"A lot better now your here cupcake!" He joked

We kept on flirting back and forth for a while until Newt cleared his throat and interrupted us. When I turned to look at him he had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes were narrowed as he stared at the two of us.

"You'll shift jobs after lunch Skylar and please get some bloody work done today." He said and then he walked out of the room.

"What's his problem?" I asked

"Me thinks little Newty was a wittle bit jealous." Jeff said as he moved to grab something from a cabinet on the other side of the room.

"Why would Newt be jealous?" I asked

"You really are blind aren't you cupcake." Jeff said while he grabbed things out of a draw from the cabinet

"Come on Jeffy put me out of my misery and tell me why Newt would be jealous." I said

"He likes you genius." He said

I scoffed and moved over to where he was gathering things and putting them on an empty bed.

"We've already talked about this Jeff, Newt does not like me." I said

It was Jeff's turn to scoff while I rummaged through the items on the bed  I recognised most of them as simple medical stuff and I could actually remember how to use some of the more complex but I couldn't recall if it had been me that they had to be used on or me using them on someone else. It was very frustrating to only know half of the story when the other half was locked away somewhere completely out of my reach.

"Alright shank I'll take it from here." Clint said as he walked into the room

"Have fun cupcake!" Jeff called as he walked out of the room

"I'll try Jeffy!" I called back

Clint wasn't as friendly as Jeff was while he told me what each item was but once we had finished and I fully understood everything he became more laid back and I was able to talk to him more easily. Every few minutes we would throw jokes at each other to pass time while nothing else was being done but then some people did start showing up with injuries but none of them were too bad.

Gally was the first person to show up and he had a huge gash on his arm which added to the already growing amount of injuries he had. He didn't say anything as he walked into the room and instead he just sat on one of the empty bed holding his arm with his other hand.

Stay With Me. Newt. Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now